[wisb] MCZoo Bird Banding

  • From: Sharpbill@xxxxxxx
  • To: wisbirdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, karen.stephany@xxxxxxx, jeaustin@xxxxxxxxxx, gavs39@xxxxxxxxx, medicalsteve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, cyberhawkhn@xxxxxxxxxxxx, ktlageman@xxxxxxxxx, bptlutz@xxxxxxxxx, Donna@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Akela317@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 17 May 2009 18:06:49 EDT

Overall, a quiet day bird-wise.  Banded 17 species which  include:  
black-and-white warbler, common yellowthroats, Traill's  flycatcher, Wilson's 
warbler, American goldfinch, orange-crowned warbler,  blue-gray gnatcatcher, 
black-capped chickadees, ovenbirds, house wrens, Northern  waterthrush, veery, 
Swainson's thrush, gray catbirds, wood thrush, indigo  bunting, and American 
Recaptured 4 black-capped chickadees from:   4/08 (2), 9/08, and 10/08
             1 wood thrush banded in 5/07.
Observed highlights include:  warbling vireo, Baltimore orioles,  
blue-headed vireo, blackpoll warbler, magnolias, great crested flycatcher,  
chestnut-sided warbler, bay-breasted warbler, song sparrow, American redstart,  
blackburnian warbler, cape may warbler, and red-eyed vireo.
Enjoy the week!
Cheers for now, Mickey
Michelene O'Connor
Milwaukee County Zoo
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 771-3040, X157
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