[wisb] Brillion Wildlife Area and Hwys. 32/B mudflats-5/3/09

  • From: "awreimer tds.net" <awreimer@xxxxxxx>
  • To: wisbirdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Richard Nickolai <Richard.Nikolai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 18:05:42 -0500

Went the wrong time of day, and had my three boys along who were much more
interested chasing down emerging Garter Snakes than keeping quiet in the
woods.  Nonetheless, hard to complain about the weather and had a nice
outing at Brillion with a swing by the mudflats at the corner of Hwys. 32
and Cth. B on the way home.  Swainson's Thrush was the most noteworthy find
by the Nature Center around which the woods were very quiet except for the
trumpeting of Sandhill Cranes and whinnying of Soras at the marsh platform.
Osprey still on its nest.  The Ducks Unlimited impoundment had a wide
variety of waterfowl, but no waders or shorebirds.  Canada Goose goslings
were everywhere.  A lone drake Canvasback and Gadwalls were the most
interesting find there.  There were more diving ducks on the opposite side
of the impoundment, but my accompaniment was not so patient to wait for
positive identifications.  There is a shallow covering of water in rows at
the mudflats but not very many shorebirds.  However, the Wilson's
Phalaropes, American Water Pipits, and Dunlins made it worth driving to
check it out.  No bluebirds and only Tree Swallows, but wrong time of day to
have made it likely to have seen anything else.  Marsh Wrens and Yellow
Warblers were likely present but I couldn't match a visual with a voice so
they are not on the list.  The only raptor of the day was a Bald Eagle
circling high over our neighborhood when we returned home, but it also is
not on the list below as only birds sighted in and around Brillion
are tallied.

Andrew Reimer
Darboy (Appleton), Calumet County

 Location:     Calumet County, WI, US
Observation date:     5/3/09
Notes:     Vicinity of north end of Brillion Wildlife Area including mud
flats on corner of Hwys. 32/B.
Number of species:     39
Canada Goose     60
Gadwall     4
American Wigeon     2
Mallard     10
Blue-winged Teal     1
Northern Shoveler     20
Green-winged Teal     2
Canvasback     1
Redhead     12
Bufflehead     24
Ruddy Duck     24
Wild Turkey     1
Pied-billed Grebe     1
Osprey     3
Sora     X
American Coot     12
Sandhill Crane     30
Killdeer     6
Dunlin     3
Wilson's Phalarope     2
Red-bellied Woodpecker     1
American Crow     2
Tree Swallow     X
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     4
Swainson's Thrush     1
American Robin     X
European Starling     X
American Pipit     2
Yellow-rumped Warbler     6
Palm Warbler     2
Song Sparrow     X
Swamp Sparrow     2
White-throated Sparrow     10
Northern Cardinal     2
Red-winged Blackbird     X
meadowlark sp.     1
Common Grackle     X
Brown-headed Cowbird     X
American Goldfinch     X

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  • » [wisb] Brillion Wildlife Area and Hwys. 32/B mudflats-5/3/09 - awreimer tds.net