[windows2000] SV: Scripting

  • From: "Svein Arild Haugum" <svein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 21:00:48 +0100

I use kix, goes something like this:
AD policy redirect startmenu and desktop to the users temp variable (in the 
profile), ths gets cleand out during each logon.
Then i place all shortcuts for the desktop in a folder inside a desktop folder, 
wich has the same name as the group representing the shortcut.. Same goes for 
the starmenu.
Folders would be like this:
Desktop - G_App_Outlook - Outlook-shortcut
Startmenu - G_App_SAP - Programs - SAP - SAP-shortcut
The logonscript checks all subfoders of the desktop and startmenu folders, 
compares the name of the folder to the group membership of the user. If the 
user is member of a group with that name, it gets the shortcut. I have also 
made it so that it checks the username, so you can add user spesific shortcuts.
Works like a charm, users gets a fresh enviroment each time they log in, and i 
can easily add shortcuts and remove them.
The downside with this is that no user can add theyr own shorcuts, wich they 
You can probably do the same witch vb...

Svein Arild 

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Bill Beckett [mailto:Bill.Beckett@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sendt: 8. mars 2004 20:36
Til: 'windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Emne: [windows2000] Scripting

I don't script at all but would like to learn. Can someone give me a sample of 
how they would do the following: 

I'd like to script something that would add two shortcut paths to their desktop 
via W2K terminal server when the user = a certain value or even group for that 
matter. Would this be better performed in Kix or WSH?

Other related posts:

  • » [windows2000] SV: Scripting