[windows2000] Glenn Rocks!!

  • From: "Chris Berry" <compjma@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 07 May 2003 17:25:29 -0700

>From: "Sullivan, Glenn" <GSullivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>D'oh... line 10 is supposed to be:
>10. set @File=%@Line:~11,40%
>That is an eleven, not a one.

No sweat, I wondered why it didn't quite work, but I was so excited I 
rewrote the entire thing in perl, and made it so that it works remotely now 
(didn't want to have log into the darn server just fix it).  Had to split it 
into three small programs because of timing issues, but here it is:



until (-s "netfile.txt") {};



my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)=localtime;
my $time="$hour:$min";

`at \\\\mars $time cmd /c "net file > $working_directory\\netfile.txt"`;


my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)=localtime;
my $time="$hour:$min";
my $time2="$hour:$min";

open INPUT_FILE, "<netfile.txt";
while (<INPUT_FILE>) {
        if (m{^The}) {$test=0};
        if ($test>4) {
                @fields=split /\s+/, "$_";
                my $id=@fields[0];
                my $file=@fields[1];
                if ($file =~ m{Pu_2001.ium}) {
                        `at \\\\mars $time cmd /c "net file $id /close"`;


`at \\\\mars $time2 cmd /c "copy 
\\\\mars\\pgmsdata\\infoUSA\\Licensing\\Pu_2001.ium /Y"`;
`del netfile.txt`;

The only annoying part is that I couldn't figure out how to make the "at" 
command work in less than a minute, doesn't seem to be any run now switch.  
Still  It's automated now and only takes three minutes, took like 8-10 
before and I had to pay attention.  Woohoo just saved about half an hour a 
week!! Thanks Glenn.

Chris Berry
Systems Administrator
JM Associates

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  • » [windows2000] Glenn Rocks!!