[windows2000] Re: DNS configuration

  • From: "Ray Costanzo" <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 06:47:41 -0500

Hi Jim,

I'm surprised this went unanswered on this list.

So, in addition to hosting the sites on this server at home, you also don't
want to use a hosting service for nameserver services, correct?  Your
nameserver will be the one who authoritatively answers the question, "What
is the IP address for host.abc.org."  The part that I don't get is, who
answers the question of, "What's the IP for nameserver1.domain.com?"  Is it
God?  The nameserver for domain.com?  OK, who answers that?  And so on.  If
you're going to do your own nameserver of ns1.abc.org and ns2.abc.org (even
if they point to the same physical server), I think you're still going to
have to pay someone somewhere to maintain the fact that those hostnames
point to your IP.

Have you considered just using nameserver services?  There are free options
out there if you don't want to pay.  http://www.granitecanyon.com/

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Walls

The intent is for the abc.org to have the nameserver for itself and the 
other domains.  I figured out how to setup the nameserver IP address 
with my domain registrar for abc.org to point to my public IP address.  
I think I have figured out how to add the additional domains to my DNS 
server, but I not figured out how to tell what IP address should be 
returned (it should be my same public IP) when some computer requests 
the IP for xyz.org.

BTW, I have the advantage of several domains that are expendable - by 
that I mean it does not matter if they are dead for days (or months), so 
I have domains I can "play" with while I get this all figured out.

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