[windows2000] Re: Batch File

  • From: "H.H.J.B. Schoofs" <Harold.Schoofs@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: windows2000 <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2003 08:38:41 +0200

Hi all,

this would be my solution for the batch file:


ECHO Please wait while the files are copied, 
ECHO and the disk is erased......
TITLE Please wait...

xcopy /y A:\*.* C:\test 1>NUL 2>&1
@ECHO N | FORMAT A: /V: /Q 1>NUL 2>&1

Most of it is 'cosmetic': 
ECHO OFF   >> No echoing of commands
SETLOCAL   >> All settings done only apply to this windows
PROMPT $S  >> No 'C:>' Prompt
MODE CON   >> Reduces the window size
TITLE      >> Sets Window title
XCOPY /Y   >> No files are shown
1>NUL 2>&1 >> Suppresses all messages, even error-messages
@ECHO N |  >> Parses No to the question 'Format another disk'
ENDLOCAL   >> ends the SETLOCAL command

Kind Regards,

Harold Schoofs
Kadaster IT-Services, The Netherlands


|Subject: [windows2000] Batch File
|Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 16:52:35 -0500
|From: "Greg Reese" <GReese@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
|This may be easy for some of you.  I suck at batch files and am getting =
|I need a batch file that will copy all the files on a floppy disk to a =
|network drive location, then reformat that disk.
|What I have so far is:
|copy a:\*.* j:\destination
|format a: /v: /q
|That works fine but I would like to streamline it so all the users see =
|is something like
|"Please wait while the files are copied and the disk is erased..."
|then when it is done the window goes away and they are back at the =
|The way it is happening now, they see all the file names go by one by =
|one (which is not that big a deal), then they get prompted to insert a =
|disk, then they get asked to format another. Then it ends.  I would like =
|to be able to skip all that.
|I know it seems silly but my users are older and extremely intimidated =
|by technology.  I have to break everything down to extremely basic =

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