JFW announcing tracks in Winamp

  • From: "John Gurd" <j.gurd@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Winamp4theblind" <winamp4theblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 09:46:37 +0100

Hi all

Up until Jaws 9 whenever Winamp moved onto a new track Jaws would announce
the artist and title of the new track being played. Now I can see why this
might be annoying to some and why they might prefer to have it silent rather
than talking over the music, but I rather liked this behaviour. I listen to
a lot of albums shuffled at once and a lot of new music and it's helpful to
know what has just come on. Is there any way I can get this back? Having
Jaws say all doesn't really work as the clock starts announcing the time
every minute.


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