[webproducers] survey is in!!

  • From: Morry Galonoy <galonoym@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'webproducers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <webproducers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 17:16:54 -0400

Sorry it took so long to get this list together. These are the replies we
got from our survey about you and web producing.

1.        Where are you located (41 responses)?

26 of the 40 responses were in New York City
Other respondents were from:
        Bay Area, 
        New York State
Cambridge, Massachusetts

        Oxford UK
        London UK
        Vancouver, BC Canada

2.      What is your primary job title?
a.      Producer/Project Manager         67%    
b.      IA                                       10%      
c.      Technical Producer                7%      
d.      Webmaster                                 2%    
e.      Other*                           24%    

*Other included Director of Web Development, Interface Designer, Freelancer,
Production Manager, Manager of Collaboration Technologies, Resource Manager,
Requirements Analyst, lead Web Developer

3.      Are you currently employed?
a.      Yes     74%     
b.      No      26%

4.      If not employed how long have you been out of work?
a.      Less than one month      0%
b.      2 months                         9%
c.      3 months                        27%
d.      4 months                        18%
e.      5 months                        18%
f.      6 months                        18%
g.      more than 6 months      9%

5.      What's your educational background?
a.      High School                      0%
b.      2 year degree            5%
c.      4 year degree           46%
d.      Masters or Advanced     44%
e.      Other                            5%

6.      Do you work for?
a.      Yourself (freelance)                            20%
b.      Full  Service Agency (e.g. Razorfish)   27%
c.      Boutique or Specialty                           5%
d.      Dvlpmt Dept within an AD or PR agency   7%
e.      Consultancy (e.g. Deloite Touche)               5%
f.      Internal Group of Traditional Company   15%
g.      Other*                                          32%


7.      What kind of work are you primarily engaged in?
a.      Websites and Web based applications             86%
b.      Content                                         31%
c.      Games or Online Entertainment                   17%
d.      Specialized or Custom Software          12%
e.      Direct Marketing Applications                   12%
f.      Kiosks                                          10%
g.      Installations (e.g. signage, environments) 5%
h.      Other*                                          14%
*Other teaching, intranets, user interface and product management, broadband
entertainment, business/brand strategy, localization

8.      Do you/have you managed people in your job?
a.      Yes                     81%
b.      No                      19%

9.      If so, how many people?
a.      1-5                     44%
b.      5-10                    32%'            
c.      10 or more              24%

10.     If you are a manager what do you think are the most important
management skills?
a.      Ability to delegate work                                        53%
b.      Ability to organize                                             71%
c.      Ability to motivate                                             56%
d.      Ability to mentor subordinates                          35%
e.      Ability to confront subordinates when they mess up      18%
f.      Other
*Other Ability to lead, Keep project on track schedule, budget, Ability to
communicate to a variety of people

11.     What technical and other skills do you have?
a.      HTML/CSS                                                83%
b.      JavaScript/DHTML                                        36%
c.      Perl                                                    26%
d.      C or C++                                                10%
e.      Authoring Tools (Director, Flash, etc.) 40%
f.      Writing                                         86%
g.      Visual Design Skills (traditional or web)       55%
h.      Marketing                                               26%
i.      UNIX                                                    33%
j.      SQL                                                     21%
k.      Other*                                          21%

12.     What is your favorite tool for project management?
a.      MS Project              56%
b.      FastTrack                0%
c.      Visio                   31%
d.      Inspiration              3%
e.      Excel                   28%
f.      Other*          25%

*Other Don't use, Human Intervention, Outlook, Word and Photoshop, Create
own tools in HTML/Word or Excel, Illustrator

13.     What is your favorite resource (books magazines, websites?)?
a.      WWWAC list, gantthead.com, google, the web, metacrawler,
webproducers list, Chi-WEB, I don't know, technical coworkers, other project
managers, echo, cnet, the design of everyday things, weblogs, book-
Mastering the Requirements Process.

14.     Which title do you like better?
a.      Producer                        69%
b.      Project manager         31%

15.     Would you be interested din webproducers get together in your area?
a.      Yes                     83%
b.      No                      17%

16.     How did you find out about the web producers list?
a.      WWWAC list      45%
b.      SIG-IA list             17%
c.      ITP list                14%
d.      Colleague               19%
e.      Other*          19%
*Other  friend, DC webwomen's list

17.     Would you be interested in a website for the web producers list with
list management details and links to resources online and offline?
a.      Yes             90%
b.      No              10%

18.     Do you read the archives of the webprodcuers list that are online?
a.      Yes                                     17%
b.      No                                      37%
c.      Didn't know they existed        54%

19.     Tell us your favorite project. (Paraphrased and abbreviated from
actual responses)
·       Launching and producing the movies, music, and nightclubs section of
metrobeat.com now citysearch.com
·       Sex site -for obvious reasons
·       Managing a web application that used very exciting futuristic
technology, with a highly skilled team spread out across 9 time zones, while
handling the creative direction and IA of the project at the same time
·       Cultural Debates- co produced...valuable educational project used
throughout the world.
·       Star Trek: The Books Web Site for Simon and Schuster because I got
to be creative on this from coming up with the nomenclature for the areas to
specing the site admin and functionality tools
·       New Balance 2001 Redesign
·       Rapid dev prototype project liked the adrenaline of a tight
deadline, love how the team clicked to work together
·       E commerce site. Loved working onsite and learning more about the
client's business. Needed to understand customer service, strategic
alliances, biz dev, HR, etc.
·       Managing the dev of an IA for a directory with a group of people who
were committed, interested in the project, worked well together and not
precious about their work. Enjoyable because the client also loved the work.
·       The last one I finished to be replaced with the next one. The relief
always swings it for me
·       Non-profit site for a park fund. Good cause and we had a lot of
design freedom.
·       Now in the middle of the first project managed on own. Favorite is
the Aquinas Institute of Theology's new web site probably because my client
contact is the president of the university, so things happen as they are
supposed to.
·       Content/ story telling projects
·       I like the ones that allow me to work closely with clients and
educate them
·       BaybyNetCenter.com because it was my first REAL/BIG project...and it
was success... and more importantly, it was one of the biggest challenges
for me professionally
·       I worked with Lotus Domino when it was in beta. It was fun because I
was able to get a complex dynamic site up very quickly. When it came to look
and feel and maintenance it was a real challenge.
·       The ad age magazine website back in 1996. Everything was so new and
exciting in retrospect, it holds up as one of the best sites because the
organization and design basics we set up hold up even today.
·       E*Trade site
·       Have only worked on one project thus far, which is the largest
account for our firm and it has been incredibly challenging.

20.     How long have you been a web producer?
        a.  less than one year          10%
        b.  1-2 years                   19%
        c.  2-4 years                   40%
        d.  4-5+                                31%
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Questions and comments are welcome just e-mail me,
webproducers-admins@xxxxxxxxxxxxx   -Morry

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  • » [webproducers] survey is in!!