[visionegg] Re: Recording frame times

  • From: Jens Peter Lindemann <jens.lindemann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: visionegg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 10:40:08 +0200

Hi Kit,

I'd like to save the frame times during my code.

it might be redundant to code inside visionegg, but you can use a function controller to collect the frame timestamps. See the attached code example which prints the timestamps of all frames presented.


#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Sinusoidal grating calculated in realtime."""

#  Import various modules  #

import VisionEgg
VisionEgg.start_default_logging(); VisionEgg.watch_exceptions()

from VisionEgg.Core import *
from VisionEgg.FlowControl import Presentation
from VisionEgg.Gratings import *

#  Initialize OpenGL window/screen  #

screen = get_default_screen()

#  Create sinusoidal grating object  #

stimulus = SinGrating2D(position         = ( screen.size[0]/2.0, 
screen.size[1]/2.0 ),
                        anchor           = 'center',
                        size             = ( 300.0 , 300.0 ),
                        spatial_freq     = 10.0 / screen.size[0], # units of 
                        temporal_freq_hz = 1.0,
                        orientation      = 45.0 )

#  Create viewport - intermediary between stimuli and screen  #

viewport = Viewport( screen=screen, stimuli=[stimulus] )

# Record timestamps #

class ts_recorder(object):
    def __init__(self):
        # initialize the timestamp list

    def record(self, t):
        # append current time value to the list

    def show(self):
        # traverse list and print timestamps
        for n in range(len(self.ts)):
            print 'Frame ', n, ': ', self.ts[n], 's'

# create an object of that class

#  Create presentation object and go!  #

p = Presentation(go_duration=(5.0,'seconds'),viewports=[viewport])

# register the record method bound to the "rec" 
p.add_controller(None, None, FunctionController(during_go_func=rec.record))


# Display frame timestamps #


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