[ussgeorgetown] Not Quite the End of the Story by N'Ellie Coyne & Revaed S'Aehallh'Nveni

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2005 06:01:33 EDT

Revaed was not happy, not at all.  It had been bad enough that that 
Kll'inghann woman bit him but it hurt.  He would have been content to ignore 
the wound 
but Julita wouldn't allow him to, reminding him that it was the arm that had 
been broken on ch'Rihan, the one her father had also broken four bones in the 
hand.  She'd also mentioned that it was still bleeding rather freely, which 
indicated a a rather deep wound.  She'd pulled him closer for a kiss then 
toward the door.  That was the only reason he was on his way to Sick Bay.  He 
could refuse his woman nothing.

He was still smiling slightly despite the irritating pain, thinking of the 
promise implied in her kiss, as he approached Sick Bay.  Aie....there was no 
doubt, she was all woman and all warrior.

N'Ellie sat on the desk that greeted people as they walked into sick bay. She 
was having a rather pleasant conversation with the med tech who was working 
the desk, but noticed that the young man stopped talking suddenly, and she 
figured it was because she'd just heard the main doors open. Standing, N'Ellie 
eyed the man who'd just walked in. Dark clothes, even darker eyes, there was no 
mistaking what this man was. N'Ellie could sense the med tech behind her 
reaching for his comm to call someone, but she held out her hand to stop him. 
heard the rumors, this man was here as a guest. 

"It's alright, Trevor, I got this." Taking a few steps towards the Romulan, 
N'Ellie looked him in the eyes. "I'm Doctor Coyne, is there something I can 
help you with?"

He would have preferred tr'Ghaladriel, if only for the simple reason that it 
was a pleasure to speak so freely in Rihannsu.  The maenak, though, seemed to 
have made himself scarce over the past few days.  He held up his hard muscled 
left arm, the action displaying both the vicious wound Gressa had left and the 
intricate, forearm length tattoo on the inside.

"My lady insists that I have this seen to," he said simply.  He'd be damned 
if he admitted that it hurt.

The deep jagged wound was no doubt a bite mark. A bite mark made by the 
sharp, jagged, teeth of a Klingon. She'd had her share of such bites, but 
told her that the Romulan didn't get his the way she got hers since it was 
obvious to her that he wouldn't be Gressa's type. 

"Come with me." N'Ellie commanded as she waved him towards the exam room to 
their left. "Have a seat on the bed and roll your sleeve up further." 

N'Ellie carried the tri-corder she liked best with her in an away team 
holster, but she'd need a fresh med kit to tend to the wound. With her back to 
Romulan she couldn't help but smile as she wondered what the great ape did to 
get bitten by her friend. 

Revaed did as she requested though he didn't see the point in rolling up the 
sleeve.  It was fairly well shredded.  He pulled off the remainders, a tiny 
piece of dark blue cloth and the cuff, and laid it next to him.  He carefully 
inspected the tattoo, though.  It had taken quite some time to be applied and 
held a great deal of meaning for him.  He thought to flex his hand slightly, 
to ease the ache of the broken bones, but he stopped.  That only served to 
increase the bleeding.  

Returning to the Romulan with med kit in hand, N'Ellie eyed the wound once 
again. Damn she nailed him good. There was a slight smugness to the gleam in 
N'Ellie's eyes. She laid open her med kit and then took out her tri-corder. As 
she ran the small hand wand over the Romulan's arm, she couldn't help but take 
in the tattoo. "That's a deep wound. I'll be very careful closing it so that 
that beautiful tattoo is not harmed."

"Hmm." N'Ellie hummed as she blew a strand of hair out of her eyes, revealing 
a slight hint of her hidden ridges. "Appears you've missed a few appointments 
with bone regenerator. I'll take care of that for you as well." 

Revaed almost smiled.  He pleased with the tattoo, both with the artwork and 
with the subjects depicted.  That the woman was Julita was not in question but 
it took a second thought for most people to recognize the tiger symbolism.

"That would be well as--" he began but the words dried up in his mouth as 
caught sight of the young woman's ridges.  He sucked in his breath and let 
with a harshly whispered curse.  Pulling his arm, still bleeding back, his 
eyes went stone cold.  "I have had no such appointment. "

It surprised N'Ellie when the Romulan pulled his arm back. The new look in 
his eyes, and the harshness of his voice, gave her a clue as to his sudden 
change. She nearly laughed as she put her tri-corder away. "What's the matter, 
romuluSngan? You have a problem with being treated by someone who shares her 
mother's Klingon blood?" N'Ellie did laugh as she looked down at the bleeding 
wound. "Dear Gressa does fine work does she not?" 

"That--" Revaed began.  He swiftly thought over the choice of Standard words 
he was going to use.  It would do well to get into a fight in Medical when all 
he had with him was his kaleh.  He couldn't use that, either, not without 
going back on his word to the Enarrain.  "That woman is your mother?  Should 
not have her home in comfort rather than put to work?"

He was trying to neatly avoid answering the question she asked.  It could not 
be answered, he thought, without deception.

N'Ellie's left brow went up just as the left corner of her lip curled into a 
smile. "Gressa? Although I would be honored to be called her daughter, I am 
not. My mother is a Federation Ambassador." The pride in N'Ellie's voice was 
clear as she spoke of both women. "To live a life of comfort as you say would 
do well with any Klingon when they are able bodied and sharp of mind. It 
would appear that you do not know the people in which you hold such prejudice. 
Romulans not know that it is wiser to know they enemy?"  

"The only enemies I have are on ch'Rihan or those who would seek to do harm 
to my nephew and his family," Revaed said flatly.  He smirked at her slightly.  
If he didn't know she and Gressa were not related then he had something on 
her, too.  "We have a saying on ch'Rihan--knowledge is power and to be unknown 
is to be absolutely powerful.  And on that note, I am sure you know my nephew.  
You do work with him after all."

"Your nephew?" N'Ellie asked as her mind went though what she knew of the 
medical roster. As far as she knew there weren't any Romulans on board other 
the one she was standing in front of. There was Dr. tr'Ghaladriel, of course, 
but damned if she knew what to make of him, especially if he really was 
involved with T'Leara.

Revaed stopped himself from outright laughter.  He had the girl and he knew 
it.  "My nephew.  Your khiensa's bondmate--Seren Deaver, my sister's son.  Did 
you know, little miss, that there is one blood factor that separates Rihannsu 
from Vulcan?  Ask Seren and he will show that he has the factor," he said a 
bit smugly.

"I am aware of the limited physical differences between Vulcans and 
Romulans." N'Ellie replied in an even tone as she fingered a dermal 
regenerator. "The 
fact that Mister Deaver carries that small factor is irrelevant. Actions and 
beliefs carry far more weight then ones genetic make-up which means, at the end 
of the day, Mister Deaver is a Vulcan as well as a trusted adviser who's made 
himself more then open to aiding in my studies. You, however, are Romulan--end 
of story."

"I see," he said flatly.  He offered her a curiously calm gaze or at least it 
was calm for him.  He held up the injured arm.  "This was broken because I 
would not betray the presence of your people on ch'Rihan.  That is was Seren's 
sister, a second in command of one of your own Galae ships, was not the point.  
The Tal'Shiar broke my jaw, too.  I might have been beaten to death if not 
for T'Aris' very timely intervention.  I helped her crew mates retake their 
from our invaders.  I gave up all that I was to do this and that, little 
miss, was quite a lot.  To be Enarrain of the Imperial Guards or to be a man 
keeps his word.  That is the end of the story."

N'Ellie gently placed one hand under the extended arm and, with the other, 
began to run the small tool over the bite mark. "Humans have a saying. You 
cannot judge a book by its cover. Perhaps you're not merely a Romulan, I can 
coincide to that. Yet your actions and words from earlier tell me that you are 
unwilling to see that a Klingon may not be merely a Klingon. I am young and 
have a 
lot of life to live, but Gressa is a woman of great honor and yet you speak of 
her as if she were nothing more then a dirty vole." 

Revaed closed his eyes and bit back a sigh.  Julita had gently chided him on 
the same subject.  "Water and Earth, the two most enduring and stubborn 
Elements, are the greatest parts of me.  As I said to my lady, I will tell you: 
I am 
ninety-four years old and spent my entire life on ch'Rihan.  In the very 
short time since I left, I have changed a great deal, though perhaps not 
If it took me that long to get this way, it may take a while to effect 
change," he said quietly.  He opened his eyes to look at her directly.  
"Perhaps one 
day I will even ask that woman to fight with me.  I take great joy in a good 
fight between masters."

N'Ellie smiled warmly at the man. "You're not the only one who is stubborn. 
It is just as hard for an old Klingon to change her ways as it is for an old 
Romulan. The efforts however will not go unnoticed. There are quiet a few 
on this ship who are very found of Gressa, your nephew included. And, because 
I'm sure he cares for you, that will go a long way with Gressa. Family and 
honor are not something we Klingons take lightly." N'Ellie finished healing the 
bite mark and then switched to working on the broken bones, and then decided 
to lighten the mood a little. "Despite all of our differences there is one 
thing we can all be glad of..." She paused until she saw the Romulan looking at 
her. "There are no Ferengi onboard."

When he did actually smile as if he meant it, Revaed's eyes tended to warm 
considerably and as they did then.  "Things we should be grateful for indeed," 
he said dryly.  "I have only seen them once yet I thought Julita was going to 
toss one across the room.  Foolish little things that they are, they seem to 
have a problem with women."

"That is an understatement." N'Ellie said with a laugh as she changed the 
setting on the tool she was using. After a few more passes with it, she traded 
in for her tri-corder. "One more should do it for the breaks. If you don't 
come back in a week, I'll coming looking for you. You're kinda hard to miss."

Revaed held out his arm and flexed every joint in it, from shoulder to wrist. 
 Satisfied that it would do well, he nodded at N'Ellie.  "Hann'yyo, little 
miss.  It seems to be quite well.  And I may be hard to miss but that is only 
I wish to be seen.  If you can't find me, look for Julita."

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  • » [ussgeorgetown] Not Quite the End of the Story by N'Ellie Coyne & Revaed S'Aehallh'Nveni