[ussgeorgetown] Cold Fire and Warm Ice Part 2-- by Senek Menkara and Nan Ecitsuj

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2005 13:35:01 EST

The friendship between Senek Menkara and Nan Ecitsuj was one built on 
opposites.  Beyond their basic difference with respect to their places of 
there was Nan's outright cheerful chattiness versus Senek's calm reticence.  
Although Senek found such snobbery (and there was no other word for it in his 
opinion) illogical, there was also their difference in rank.  It seemed that, 
in that day and age, some people perceived an almost social distinction 
between officers and enlisted personnel.  In any case, nothing Senek ever tried 
Nan to temper his enthusiasm and exuberance nor did any of Nan's prodding ever 
get Senek to 'lighten up.'

Now as he put the tunic on, Senek recalled the circumstances of the gift.  
Nan had returned from shore leave on his home world with a gift for Senek.  
Here, he had said, my mother says this ought to keep you warm.  And it did, 
becoming one of Senek's favorite articles of clothing.  
Senek was off duty at the time of the shuttle accident, wearing the dark 
green tunic and reading in his quarters.  The yellow alert sounded and he 
did not have to respond but he called up to the bridge.

"What is going on?" he'd asked the on duty Ops officer.

"Shuttle's coming back, Lieutenant.  I was just about to contact you.  You, 
ah, may want to make your way to the shuttle bay.  They were struck by some 
heavy debris and part of the craft was caved in.  I'm told that Petty Officer 
Ecitsuj is gravely injured."

Senek hastily changed back into uniform and made his way to the shuttle bay.  
He engaged all his mastery of cold, calm logic as three of the crew staggered 
out of the shuttle.  The last one, Nan, had to be taken out on an anti-grav 
stretcher and it was then that Senek once again mentally thanked God for logic. 
 Otherwise, he would have flinched or gotten physically ill at the sight of 
his friend.  Nan's entire left side was crushed to the point that Senek almost 
didn't recognize him except for that brilliant white hair, stained with blood. 
 The senior of the doctors named Noel waved Senek over.

"He's asking for you, Lieutenant.  Don't let him talk.  If we can keep him 
stable, we might have a chance of saving him," the red haired doctor told him.

Senek merely nodded then stepped to the stretcher's side.  "Nan, I'm here," 
he said simply.

"Good. I.."

"For once do as I ask and be quiet, Nan.  Please."

The uninjured hand reached out and Senek grasped it without hesitation.  
Until now, Nan had always respected the Vulcan preference of not being touched 
Senek also understood Ninitchikli need for it, especially now.  What shocked 
him, though, was the shaky mind touch.

~~Tell them, Senek.  Tell my family I love them.  To add my part to the 

Even in the mind-touch, Nan was in great pain.  Senek could feel his friend 
wanting to give in to it, wanting to slip away.  He didn't stop to wonder why 
the meld came so easily, when he was so low on the psi talent scale and Nan was 
an alien.  It wasn't important.

~~No!  Tell them yourself.  You will not die.  I will not let you.  You 
cannot go without telling me the entire Story.  Tell me now.~~

Even through the body wracking pain, Nan was delighted to oblige.  He began 
the story at the Beginning, among the winds of Ninitchik...

"Whatever you're doing, Lieutenant, keep it up," Dr. Noel had said.  "If he 
stays calm, it'll be easier."

Not wanting to risk the use of intraship beaming in Nan's state, they walked 
to Sick Bay.  Because of his calming effect, they allowed Senek to stay, his 
duty shifts dismissed.  If Nan slept, Senek stayed there, meditating beside the 
bed in a chair.  Eventually, Nan was stabilized enough to make decisions 
toward the future.  A quiet conference was held, with Senek verbalizing his 
friend's replies.  It was agreed.  The Ninitchik would be sent to Earth to be 
for experimental cybernetic prostheses.  

In the quiet hours before the Wilderness would rendezvous with the medical 
ship that would transport Nan to Earth, the two sat together in Sick Bay.  
Senek's hand rested against the uninjured side of his friend's face, making 
communication easier.

~~How come you never told me?~~ Nan had asked.

~~It is unfair to burden others with my problems, Nan.~~

~~Should have told me~~ Nan said, the thoughts sluggish from the effects of 
medication.  ~~Don't want to have to write your part of the Story before mine~~

~~Nor do I want you to but...~~   

Nan was asleep and did not wake up even when he was transferred.  Still, that 
did not stop Senek from a final mind touch, to tell his friend 'live long and 
Senek hadn't heard from Nan since that day.  Any attempts to find information 
were blocked at high Security levels.  He hoped he was well.  It was 
completely emotional and, therefore, illogical, but he missed his friend.  Now 
slipped on a pair of comfortable sandals and headed for Sick Bay.  He shook his 
head and laughed softly to himself.  Nan, how are you ever going to know how 
part of your Story ends?

Senek Amen Menkara, Lieutenant Commander 
Operations Officer, USS Georgetown 
Before the beginning of great beauty and brilliance there first must be a 
period of complete chaos.
I Ching

Other related posts:

  • » [ussgeorgetown] Cold Fire and Warm Ice Part 2-- by Senek Menkara and Nan Ecitsuj