<USS Eagle> "The Trojan Horse Project"

  • From: Jen <imsprite1@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: usseagle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 17:39:12 -0700 (PDT)

 Lt Jg Josephine Tracy left the confrence room with PADD in hand. She was a bit 
confused. She wasn't entirely sure what her role was in this mission.  Gwen had 
outlined what she expected from everyone else. Tru was to, of course, fly the 
floating peice of space junk. Gwen and Rommie were co leaders of the mission.  
Jeff had to fix and keep the Horse in one peice.  
 Josie got to her room and tossed the PADD aside transfering Max to the 
hologram system she had set up in her room.  
"Guess I should get my fill of walking around." Max said as he materlized 
wearing a pair of shorts and a teeshirt. "So how many games do you think Tru is 
going to try to sneak over on the mission?"
Josie was worried about Tru. She knew about his game on the bridge. Her 
enviromental awareness picked it up every time he pulled it out. She knew where 
he hid it and was sure that Captian Frysk would be very upset if he knew how 
often Tru pulled it out. 
"I've been meaning to talk to him about his gameing addiction.  I'm quite 
tempted to test out my EMP capsule on what ever carry bag Tru is going to have 
with him. If it works correctly it will completely scramble all electronics in 
a five foot radius except for things that are sheilded. Like you my dear." 
Josie said to Max.
"I think Gwen is warming up to me. She complemented my self control." Max 
"But you know she's right.  For all of our sake you have to not go running off 
to play hero. I know you could probaly shut the Chekov down quite easily once 
you got into their systems. But remember what happened on their base when they 
trapped you in that loop pattern." Josie reminded him.
"I remember and I think I have a solution to that if the problem arises. But I 
will get Gwen or Rommie's permission before I try anything.  They probaly will 
need me to go open the back door." Max said thoughtfully.
"Anyway I think if we are going to pull this 'Trojen Horse' thing off we are 
going to need a few modifications.  The jig will be up as soon as they get in 
scanning range. So we need set our sensors to emit our lifesigns as Orions. We 
should also probaly replicate Orion communicators to use over there and leave 
our Starfleet comm badges over here. " Josie put all this on a PADD and sent it 
off to Gwen for her approval. 
Josie showered and changed into normal jeans and teeshirt. She kept thinking 
about Tru and it bothered her. She really felt she needed to talk to him so she 
left her quarters and headed for his. 
Josie rang the chime and waited for him to respond.
Lt Jg Josephine Tracy
Cheif Science Officer
USS Eagle
A.I. Personality

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