[ussbansheec] Old Friends and New Places

  • From: Andy Maluhia <CaptainAndy@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussbansheec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 10:36:21 -0500

_Old Friends and New Places
_Adonis Kaartaren, Kestra Riker, & Lwaxana Troi

/We are keenly aware of the faults of our friends, but if they like us enough it doesn't matter. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960/

It was the most amazing thing she'd ever witnessed. In a manner of hours Mr. Xomn had managed to turn her little home office into a rather comfortable looking bedroom that was completely tailored to her grandmother's sense of style. It was warm and welcoming and yet still managed to be kind of loud and brash. Kestra just shook her head and smiled as she pulled out of the doorway and headed for where her desk was now settled. Mr. Xomn had created a little work area in her living room that blended in so it didn't come across as intrusive. The man was a decorating genius. Easing in behind her desk, Kestra turned her terminal on and checked her fellow fusion's location before putting in the call to him. His location was listed as London, which meant he was at home. Tapping in the code to his home unit, Kestra curled into her chair, which was her custom when it came to personal calls, and then tucked her hair behind her ears as she waited for her friend's face to appear. She smiled again. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she told him her news.

Adonis glared at the comm when it sounded. He was in the middle of packing and simply didn't want to hear another word out of Nath. Ever. "Kaartaren," he said tersely as he opened the connection. "I'm busy, Nath. Leave me alone."

"The last time I checked the mirror I looked nothing like our CO," Kestra said with a bit of amusement in her voice. The amusement slowly faded into concern when she realized her friend's tone hadn't been very friendly. "Is this a bad time, Adonis?"

"Ah, it's you!" he said, a smile replacing the somewhat harried look he'd worn lately. He dropped into the chair by the screen with a solid oof and offered Kestra a smirk. "If you looked like Nath, I'd've shut you off by now, Kestra. I've done it a good ten times in the past week or so."

That caused Kestra to raise a brow in surprise. "You've been hanging up on Nath all week? Did he cheat at dom-jot again?"

"No," he said drawing the syllable out slowly. "He fired me." It took several seconds for that bit of news to sink into her thoughts. It rattled around for a moment and then plunked down like a penny hitting the bottom of a fountain. "He fired you!?"

He felt her shock as clearly as if she'd been in the same room. He crossed his arms over his broad chest and shook his head. "Yeah, he did and I walked out on him. I'm still waiting on the paperwork for disobeying direct orders and insubordination," he said a snort. "My association with the project was deemed inappropriate you know."

Adonis was one of their best counselors. People responded to him in a very down to earth way, which allowed him to work in both the civilian world and Starfleet. It was why they'd given him the Banshee assignment in the first place. "What do you mean inappropriate?"

"My mother," he said simply, "and her obsession with Joshua Garrity." He was disgusted, still, by the name and it showed on his face. "Nath tried lying to me but I know where it came from. It was all the brass and not any of the people I had contact with." He tapped his temple. "Can't lie to a Kaartaren you know."

"You would think that people would have learned you can't lie to a Betazed period," Kestra huffed. What was the brass thinking? She tried to connect the dots, Banshee's families, Adonis' mother, and this Josh Garrity who seemed to pop up in everything these days, but she just couldn't find a reasonable reason that one would affect the others. "Garrity had nothing to do with Banshee going missing. The geeks say it was Daystrom project gone wrong. Has Nath lost his mind?"

"No doubt," he said acidly. He lifted a hand then dropped it in his lap. "My dad's pissed off but I at least managed to make him promise not to stare Nath into the ground. He'd do it, too." Adonis hmmphed softly, a fond smirk on his face. "You just don't mess with his kids, even when they're forty-two already."

"Well, you dad might have promised not to say anything but I haven't," Kestra replied. There was real anger in her black eyes. It simply made no sense to take away a means of support that people have learned to trust and rely on. "I'm sure he'll hear from the families as well. You don't just take away the only link you have to any hope of finding out what happened your loved ones."

Kestra had let her anger and annoyance cloud the reason she'd called. She'd forgotten all about her grandmother until she felt the familiar tingle in her mind.

~Darling One, what's the matter?~

The young woman rolled her eyes. ~Nothing Grandmama.~

"Kestra, please don't--" Adonis cut himself off mid-sentence then fixed his eyes on his friend. "Oh no..." he groaned. "She's there, isn't she?"

She couldn't help herself, the look on his face was just priceless, she laughed. "That's why I called. I figured I'd warn you and you could warn your dad. Apparently I need to be looked after. Oh and I'm unable to sort out my own love life."

~It doesn't feel like nothing.~ Lwaxana's voice replied. ~I'm coming back. Mr. Xomn can finish at the market.~

~Grandmamma, I'm fine. You can't rush in every time I have an emotion.~ Kestra replied to her grandmother while grinning at her friend. "How could you tell by the way?"

"Are you kidding?" Adonis outright laughed. "For one thing, you got the same look on your face as I did whenever my grandmother would show up, though yours is much more benevolent I must say. Then there's the sense of her. I can feel her close by, especially when you think about her."

Kestra laughed. "I happen to love my grandmother, even if she is rather, um, ya know I think Lwaxana should just be its own adjective. There really isn't a way to describe her other then simply, Lwaxana." She shook her head and smiled before sighing a little. "She does have that powerful presence about her. Your dad probably felt her the moment she landed." Her features softened a great deal then and she looked as tired as she felt. "To be honest, I'm kind of glad she came. I've never had to face so much pain before. The grief and anger is overwhelming."

"What's the matter?" he asked, his own irritation at Nath forgotten. "Backwash from that damned ship blowing up?"

"I've never had to tell so many people their loved ones are dead," Kestra admitted. "And never that they were killed because someone else wanted someone else dead."

Adonis shook his head then pinched the bridge of his nose. "What the hell now?"

"The ship your mother was on," she began carefully. "The full report of what happened came in. Apparently the daughter of Admiral Murgo smashed a runabout into the ship's warp field. She wanted to kill her half brother and didn't care who she took out along with him."

The breath came out slowly as fingers tapped on the desk in front of him. "I would like to say I'm surprised but I'm not." He closed his eyes as if he were seeing information on the back of his lids. "It'd be the one named Francesca, right?"

Kestra nodded. "She was unstable, she'd been taken off flight status but still managed to get the runabout off the station," she explained. Her training and education told her all she needed to know about why Francesca Murgo did what she did, but personally she just couldn't wrap her mind around it. She couldn't imagine ever hating her brothers the way Francesca hated hers. "It was just senseless, Adonis."

"I always thought that one was unstable, too," he grumbled. "It's unprofessional of me but she gave me the creeps. You're right, though. The whole thing is senseless; especially when it was over the same damned fool my mother took off for. You can't let it rule you, Kestra. If you do, you'll only end up like most of my life, in the shadow of some man who's been dead for longer than we've been alive and shadows are cold, lightless."

"His words are wise for one so young, darling one," Lwaxana said from the doorway. She smiled lovingly at her granddaughter before looking at the image on the comm. screen. "Well, well, it's the little Kaartaren. How nice to see you again Adonis. You're looking well, must be the pretty little thing in your thoughts that's given you such a warmth."

Kestra nodded. "And she started out so sincere and nice."

"Nice to see you again, Mrs. Troi," Adonis said with genuine warmth. The woman irritated the hell out of his father but she wasn't malicious, not at all. "Give the dear lady a break, Kestra," he added with a chuckle. "I think she's right. It's either that or she likes my hair cut, too."

That's when it hit the young woman. "Your hair's short! And what young lady?"

Lwaxana laughed as she placed a hand on her granddaughter's shoulder. "Maria, hmm, another mutant. Is this some kind of new trend?"

"You and Maria!?" Kestra asked, a bright smile appearing on her face, one that looked a little smug. "About time."

The grin that crossed his face was only partially Maria-inspired. The rest was simply the feel of good will from the two women. "Yes, it's Maria, Kestra, and the hair was just another anti-Garrity move. My mother always said the curls reminded her of that cursed thing." In a fit of complete childishness, he made a face at his friend then offered Lwaxana a devilish grin. "I've known Maria a lot less longer than Kestra's known Dominic, Mrs. Troi. The lovely lady saw fit to give me a second chance and I'm not screwing it up."

"Again," Kestra added with a smirk.

"See, darling one, it shouldn't take a man years and years to figure out where he belongs," Lwaxana said brightly and very pointedly. "It's good to see you happy, Adonis, and the new look suits you very well, very handsome indeed."

Kestra groaned and rolled her eyes.

"Again? It was just once, Kestra, so stow it," he grumbled at her. He couldn't stay irritated though. Mrs. Troi at a safe distance was wonderful. "Thank you, Mrs. Troi. Maria liked it, too. I don't think Kestra's met her but she's a wonderful woman, very sweet and demure. Tolerates me."

"And whose fault is it that I haven't met her yet?" Kestra teased. She liked the happy and content expression in her friend's eyes.

Lwaxana smiled as she threw her hands up in the air as she had what she felt was a brilliant idea. "You and your young lady must join us for dinner, Adonis. I'm sure Jean-Luc won't mind having a few more people join us."

~Grandmamma! You can't just invite people to the vineyard!~ Kestra replied telepathically.

Lwaxana waved her hand dismissively as she turned to glided over to her things. ~It'll be fun, darling one. Trust me.~

~~I never trust anyone who says 'trust me'~~ Adonis snickered. Aloud, though, he shook his head. "I have to ask Maria what her schedule is at the school. She's still filling in for one of the teachers who's out at DSVP. I don't think she much cares for teaching math but it gets the man off the hook."

"If she agrees to come you may want to warn her about the eerie resemblance her Professor has to my godfather," Kestra warned. "Dom still finds that rather creepy."

Lwaxana huffed. "No one is like Jean-Luc, Kestra. He's one of a kind."

"Ah yeah I did notice that bit myself," Adonis mused. "Mrs. Troi, have you ever heard the Human saying that everyone has a twin somewhere? It's rather eerily so in this case. Maria's cousin thinks it's funny, especially when they even sound alike."

"I think you'd find Professor Xavier interesting, Grandmamma," Kestra said as she glanced over at her grandmother. "He's a human telepath."

Lwaxana raised a perfectly plucked brow. "I haven't had the pleasure of meeting a full human telepath. I'd enjoy that." A flash appeared in her granddaughter's mind and it made Lwaxana put her hands on her hips. "And who is this Ms. Frost you're worried about me running into?"

At that, Adonis snorted rudely, the mental picture of an antimatter explosion in his head. "That woman has no manners and less class. The professor is a gentleman of the finest kind, though, ma'am. I know my dad mentioned wanting to talk to him about the physical differences between our type of telepathy and his."

"Then I will have to set up a gathering," Lwaxana mused as she already began making plans. "I've always been very interested in other telepathic races." She paused and looked pointedly at Kestra. "Doesn't your young man's parents teach at this school Adonis' young woman teaches at?"

"No," Kestra warned. "Grandmamma, leave the Rasputins alone."

"Then it's settled. Adonis will see to the arrangements with Xavier and I'll give dear Jean-Luc a call," Lwaxana said as she breezed through the room towards what was now her bedroom.

"Errr...sorry about that, Kestra, but it's nice seeing a grandmother that acts like one," Adonis said with a not very apologetic chuckle. "I can hear my dad now, though: you go right ahead, son. I'll take my chances with the Marines." Kestra shook her head and laughed as she looked at her friend. "I know she means well and she just wants to take care of me. It's kind of nice. Being an adult isn't all it's cracked up to be at times. With Grandmamma here I get all the love and attention and none of the looks. My mother is really good with looks."

"I have Gressa for that but her looks are generally a hint that the hand is coming next. Dad's the only one she won't dare try that with," he told her. "By the way, remember I said I didn't know where he was that time when I tried to call? I found out."

"I thought that was kind of odd," she replied with a nod. "Your mom, sure she'd take off, but you always knew where he was. Where was he?"

"Parris Island," he said casually. "The base housing." After a long pause, he added, "With his girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Kestra asked with a hint of surprise. A slow smile appeared on her face as that rattled around in her head and then she added, "Good for him. Have you met her yet?"

"Kestra, he's been with her for over thirty years. Thirty years!" The whole bombshell still had him in a daze at times. "I don't think I could do it but Dad's as Betazoid as your grandmother and they are well and truly capable of loving two people at the same time. He just didn't think my mother would take that very well."

Her grandmother was known for her love affairs and Kestra hoped that when she was her grandmother's age she'd still have that kind of drive too. "No offence, Adonis, but your mother was, um, well, nuts. Honestly, she scared me."

"None taken," he said dryly. "Dad and I had a good long talk. I'd have to ask your grandmother but he said that if this were Betazed, things could have been worked out for everyone involved but my mother was not known for being reasonable. He didn't tell anyone, not even Gressa, for gods' sake, because he was genuinely afraid Mother would cause them harm. I always used to wonder why he came home in such a good frame of mind and now I know." He hmmphed softly, running a hand over his head. "Haven't met her yet or their son."

"Grandmamma says that most humanoids don't love as openly as Betazoids," Kestra agreed. A faint smirk appeared on her lips as she recalled her university days and two certain someones she'd shared those early adulthood moments with. Then she blinked. "Did you just say their son? You have a brother?"

Adonis snorted outright at her surprise. It was only slightly milder than his reaction. "Yeah, I did. Go figure. I think Dad would have made a damned fine spy for having kept up the story for this long," he said, shaking his head in amazement. "Like I said, I haven't met the man but Dad says he's thirty and his name's Iefan. It's a bit weird knowing there's a brother that's been walking around these last thirty years. His mother's ElAurian."

"Like Guinan? Wow, an El Aurian and a Betazoid, that's a unique fusion," she mused as she smiled at her friend. "So how home you haven't tracked him down yet? The curiosity almost rolls off you in waves."

Adonis laughed brightly at that then shook his head. "It's a matter of respecting the man's privacy, Kestra," he explained. "My dad's too. I don't know what they know or don't and I'm not putting Dad on the spot like that."

"Well, I can understand that, but this man is your brother, he's your family," she replied as she carefully schooled her thoughts. There was no reason to give her grandmother any more reason to meddle in the lives of her friends. She had enough to handle meddling in Kestra's life. "With everything that's happened, I'd think bringing his remaining family together would be important to your dad. He could be holding back to spare your feelings the way you are his, if that's the case you'll both just keep dancing around the subject."

"No, I don't think that's it at all," Adonis told her. "When he's not shielding I can read my dad like a book. The lady's a Marine with some sort of special detachment, special enough that she's in the Field Marshal's staff. What that entails, I'm not exactly sure but I do believe it'll be soon. I'm curious as hell as to what the woman looks like, though. He's got some damned good luck with finding beautiful women because Mika's mother was gorgeous."

Kestra smiled softly. She'd met Mika and she was beautiful so it wasn't hard to believe her mother had been as well. "I don't see how you're staying so calm, Adonis. If it were me and I'd just found out my father had another family I'd be... well, I'd be pissed to be honest, but I'd want to met them, to get to know them. Then again I'm a bit of a Pollyanna and happen to think my family is rather perfect and can't really see anything like this happening."

"Calm? Heh," he said with a soft huff. "I took it out on my dad a little but I saved it for Nath mostly." He waved a hand at this apartment behind him. "And any way me getting angry is never a good thing. I break things if I get too pissed off so I'm putting my energy into packing. It's infinitely more constructive."

"You're leaving London?" she asked with a raised brow. Her friend seemed to have a knack for surprising her, which made her figure out how long it had been since they'd talked. Between his work and hers, it had been awhile. "Where are you going?"

"East coast somewhere," he said with a shrug. "Away from Rome, that's for damned sure. Dad and I are of the same mind: can't live in the house in Rome because it has too many bad vibes and echoes. He and his lady are going to live in some cushy Fleet housing so closer would be nice but also far away enough from that Frost woman."

Kestra laughed. "I liked Ms. Frost," she admitted with a shrug. "Then again I'm kind of use to brash telepaths who help themselves to your thoughts."

"So am I but your grandmother has class," he grumbled. "You know, the only thing that really bothers me about getting fired from the project is that I made a promise to a young friend of Maria's and I may not be able to keep it. His brother's on Banshee and I told him I'd call him first thing when there was word. If it had been Maria saying it, he'd've believed it. Me? Not so much but I would hate to disappoint the kid."

That made the young woman smile. "Ya know there are benefits to having a father who's one of the top captains, a godfather who's an icon, and an ambassador for a grandmother, not to mention my best friend's dating the daughter of an admiral and who's also DSVP's Chief of Security. I could always keep you up to date."

"If you could please? Maria's brother is right in the thick of it all but the man's busy as hell. This friend of Maria's had, until meeting me, never met an alien before." He offered a bemused chuckle. "I don't think he was all that impressed but he was a sharp one and, like I said, I promised."

Kestra nodded, "I'll call Bell and see if she'll get Gretchen to call me as soon as she hears. She's on the front lines so she'll know before anyone. The wife of the captain of the research ship, all five of her children are on Banshee so I've taken more of active interest in the ship myself."

"The McEntires," he said with a nod. "This kid, Maria tells me, is the son of the ruler of some tiny island nation here. He apparently doesn't tolerate fools gladly or at all."

She had to shift though a lot of information but she kind of remembered Dominic talking about an island just for humans like him. "Genosha, I remember Dom speaking of it once."

Adonis nodded. "That's the one. Ah but he was a nice kid though. Sitting there in the park playing chess with a man old enough to be his great-grandfather at the least. Maria thinks if he learns to control his temper then he's got great potential."

"Bit of a hot head?" she asked with a soft chuckle.

"Apparently. If Maria says that then it's got to be so because she never says an unkind thing about anyone. That and he's a teenager." He offered an innocent look. "I personally was a lovely person at that age. Gressa's favorite target."

Kestra laughed which ended in a snort. "Not me, I was brat, drove Mother crazy."

"I told you a long time ago: I was not the evil twin," he hmmphed.

"And now we have the evidence to prove it," she agreed with bright smirk.

for without hope I cannot live, remember the past but do not dwell there, face the 
future where all our hopes stand."_- Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

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  • » [ussbansheec] Old Friends and New Places - Andy Maluhia