[ussbansheec] Awisuitok

  • From: Andy Maluhia <CaptainAndy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussbansheec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 14:27:00 -0400

_Awisuitok* _
by Gabriel Wagner, the Ecitsujs; Kepas, son of Kaine; Konall, son of Kepas; Aylin t'Sen, & Senek Menkara with Alek Singh and Tawa Pax

***the Inuit, and therefor Ninitchik word, for 'inseperable'
"You just left him?" Izzy gaped at Gabriel as if he'd grown several extra heads. "Are you kidding me? I mean, I know the chappy's not a child but this is a huge station, Baby Blue. How could you just leave him with a crazy Romulan lady?"

"He very clearly told me to leave, Isobel," Gabriel stated flatly. "Nor is Miss t'Sen crazy. She is a little odd but..."

"But she yelled at him for no reason," Izzy finished. Huffing lightly., she cuddled Gabriel tightly. "Do you have to go to work today?"

"Ah, no, liebling--I don't. Now, don't worry about Captain Menkara. He might be bordering on blasphemy but she won't eat him alive," Gabriel said as he wrapped his arm around her. Kissing the top of her head, he asked, "What else is on your mind?"

"You mean other than outright fear?" She shrugged but still clung to him. "My mother gets here in an hour. Daddy and Kai have gone to meet her. I can't..." It was silly but Izzy felt cheated. Her mother hadn't come to visit her before and now she was, Izzy couldn't even go and meet her.

"What would you like me to do, my Izzy? I cannot go against the field marshal's decree," he said softly.

"No," she whispered sadly. "Guess you can't. It's just... you went against a General. You saved me."

Gabriel's face crumpled into a frown. Mutter des Gottes....how can I..."How, Izzy? It's too open a space."

She just shrugged.  "You really that scared of losing me?"

He set his hands on either side of her face and looked her straight in the eye. "Deathly, Isobel. We Wagners are that way. We treasure what we have deeply. I love you and our son. I cannot have you in the brig or me, either."

She sighed as she nodded and kissed him lightly. "Then I guess I'm staying here. You gonna go with Daddy and Kai or wait here with me?"

"I am loathe to leave you, liebling. I know the sergeant major and the captain are out front but if your brother and father are not here..." He gave here a twisted smile. "I am paranoid beyond belief now."

"That's okay, I'd rather you were here," she said softly as she kissed him a little deeper. "Maybe I can relax you and you can take my mind off my mother's impending disapproval."

Gabriel's eyes widened.  "Ach, what would she disapprove of?  Me?"

"No, silly man, me!" Izzy actually laughed at him, poking his side lightly. "I'm the one with the ruined career, remember?"

"Izzy!" he exclaimed, shaking his head. "Your mother, as little as I know her, is not like that. I know better. You didn't do anything wrong and you know it. Pah, your lawyer knows this, too, and I am certain your mother will take on anyone who disagrees."

"Oh yeah, fierce even when she's fighting a losing battle," she snorted. She rose with only a small grunt this time and took his hand to pull him to the bedroom. "Lie down with me? I need someone to hold me."

"Ja, somebody suggested I drink to much caffeine and that I should some more normal sleep," he said as he allowed himself to be pulled along.

"Sleep? Who said anything about sleep?" Izzy grinned innocently as she pulled him against her and kissed him deeply. "I didn't say I was tired, just that I wanted to be held."

"Naughty Isobel," he murmured as he finally lifted his mouth from hers. His aquamarine eyes were dancing, though. "What would your mother say if she found us in bed when she arrived? Hmm?"

"So it's either sleep or nothing?" she asked sadly. Izzy closed her eyes for just a moment then sighed deeply. "You're right. I was just being silly."

He laid back and held his arm out to her. "I don't like to rush things, you know," he said merrily.

She perched on the side of the bed then laid down slowly, but made no move to initiate anything. "I know... Guess we wait for another time when everyone's out but us. Maybe next millenium some time."

"Mmm...if I didn't know for sure that it would set off alarms from here to Bajor, I would 'port you away somewhere," he said with a mischievous grin.

"If Daddy's worked how you do it, he'll have programmed it into the security system to stop you," Izzy told him as she snuggled down in his arms. "I think he's almost as scared as you."

"It's funny, Izzy. Some people will still say that a person could not love a child who is not their flesh and blood as much as one who is. It's stupid if you ask me. Your father adores you, Kai, and Slaine. Of course he's scared. You know what he told me about you?"

"That I talk almost as much as him and that I've even less tact than Mother?" she chuckled.

"Mmm...well, no, but I sort of agree with that any way," he said with a wink. "It was that he remembers the very first time you smiled and that it was for him. He'd told you one of his Stories from when he was a child."

Her grin flourished in memory of it and she laughed again. "I can actually remember it. Mum had tried reading fiction to me but it was just lies to me. Then Daddy told me a story and it was a truth of a kind. I understood it." She nuzzled his neck a little as she admitted, "It was the scariest thing, being liberated. I thought I was being stolen. I thought they were going to kill me."

"And now he is afraid some one wants to take you from us. I understand him completely," he said as he stroked her hair.

"I understand but it still frustrates," she said softly. "I'm not frivolous, you know. I am a Marine, I can take care of myself... most of the time."

"But you will always be his baby girl," Gabriel said simply. "You could be the field marshal and I bet he would feel that way. Ach, wait til our Michael wants to walk his first time."

"Walking is fine just so long as he never wants to go outside without us," she teased, only half pretending. "I'm going to make a rotten mother, Baby Blue."

"Nonsense. You love him already, ja? I think we will both be learning each step of the way but look at what good examples we have. If you don't count my crazy god father, all our elders are, don't you think? Ach, even Logan isn't so bad."

"That's the deeply scary man with the cigars, right?" Izzy laughed. "Oh yeah, great role model."

"Ja but you know he likes your family. Kai is one of the few normals to come to the school with no notions before hand. You, pretty Izzy, are what he called a 'nervy broad'. Tacky but he means well."

"Nervy broad, I like that!" She giggled lightly. "Have you told them all yet?"

He nodded slowly. "I wasn't joking about that shirt, you know. It was funny, though, when I called the only one home was Johann. I never ask why no one's home. Bad idea for that house. In any case, first he said 'it's about time' then he gave me 'that look', like I had better go to confession or something."

"Because I'm a sin," she nodded.

"Ach, no, Izzy, because / I/ made the choice. You are an innocent in that choice as is our son. In any case, I already had spoken to my confessor. He was very pleased and said that, deep inside, it is no sin any way," Gabriel told her as he stroked her shoulder. "Do you care to guess why?"

"I don't know. Maybe he thinks you'll convert me or something," Izzy shrugged. "You wouldn't do that though, would you?"

"No it was because of my answer to the question he asked. The reverend asked if I was married and, in my heart, we are. That is what I told him and that was what pleased him so. Though, he did suggest that my penance be to lead by example for our family. That's a hard thing sometimes but I think I can live up to it for you," he said happily.

"But you won't try to convert me?"

"No," he said simply. "I'm no evangelist and besides, you live a better life than a lot of professed church goers. It works out."

"Good," she grinned, kissing his cheek softly.  "I like being me as I am."

Five marched off of the transport, her daughter and son-in-law in tow. Slaine had Konall in her arms in a tight hold. She knew a station was not the safest of places for a small boy but as much as she loved her sister-in-law, she trusted no one but herself, her husband and her parents with him.

Kai was not at all pleased to be walking about the rest of the station. It made him nervous but he supposed it equaled out when people saw him. His very appearance bothered most. His father was even more keyed up than usual, though. Obviously, he told himself. He misses Mum.

"There!" Nan exclaimed happily, striding away from him at the sight of his son-in-law.

"As if I could miss him," Kai grumbled happily as he went after him.

"Nan!" Five cried as she sped up a little.  "We have missed you."

"I believe, Mother, that that is an understatement," Slaine observed quietly.

Nan wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her soundly, not caring if it embarrassed any on lookers or his children. Then, his arm still around Five and Aileas, he held the other arm out to Slaine. "And there is my beautiful Slaine and my boy Konall," he said happily.

Slaine gave her father a quick hug and passed him her son. "You look happier, Dad."

"That, my dear, is because your mother is here and because I have faith Izzy will be fine," Nan said brightly as he embraced his grandson. "Guess who else is here, my boy."

Slaine rubbed her son's back, he was sleepy from the long trip. "Who is that, Dad?"

"Uncle Senek, though Izzy's convinced Gabriel threw him to the wolves. He went to a palm reader and has yet to come back," Nan said with a shrug. Hugging the still sleepy boy, he looked up at Kepas. "And, you, my son, how are you?"

Slaine smiled softly, moving to hold Kepas' hand. He was the only one she allowed to touch her unbidden bar family. ~~Are you as tired as Konall, love? You can't be shy in front of my father after so long, can you?~~

~~No but your brother is still in the shadows. He is the one afraid still~~Kepas told her. But then he smiled at Nan. "Fine, sir. Mama and Father were asking after you."

"Lovely people still," Nan said brightly.

"Kaine wishes he could be here, he was most put out that he was placed on assignment," Slaine said softly. Her soft blue eyes sought out her brother and she frowned. "Kai, you fear us?"

"No," he said softly, finally offering his sister a smile. "I...don't like it out here. If I wanted to be stared at, I could go home and /know/ what would happen."

Five glared around at the people looking at her son and herself. "Ignorant fools," she snorted. "Come, let us leave them to their small mindedness."

Kai hmmphed softly then reached to ruff his nephew's hair. "Izzy will be glad to see all of you," he said quietly even as he slipped an arm, which happened to be the natural one, around his mother.

"Are you treating my bearn well, Kai?" Aileas asked, giving him a squeeze.

"Yes, Mum. I would do more but Gabriel dotes on her. Hard to get an edge, you know," he said softly. "And he watches everything, tells us if he hears anything."

"Because this is the first time our boy's been out of that cabin since we got here," Nan said, shaking his head softly.

"What a brave boy," Aileas teased but only lightly. "Just so long as she's safe. We've been scared out of our implants, I tell you."

"Very safe. Gabriel's a good man, Nartok, and now we have Kepas here, too," Nan stated, knowing the big man could snap people in half with no effort at all.

"Ah yes," Slaine sniffed in mock affront. "My strong husband. So much stronger than us weak little women. Isn't that so, Mum?"

Aileas and Five grinned wickedly, looking like a shark with personality issues. "What would we do without you, Kepas?"

"Have a lot more trouble moving furniture?" Kepas asked with mock innocence.

"Not likely," Five snorted.

"Be lonely," Slaine whispered to Kepas.  "And very sad."

"No worries there," Kepas murmured as he kissed the side of her head.

"And guess who came to see our Izzy," Nan began. "I actually called her myself but she came in person after somebody hung up on her. Madame President is still a lovely lady."

"Izzy is quite the celebrity," Five said softly, with more than a little regret. "I wish it were for something else."

Slaine leaned against her husband and smiled up at him. ~~You are still a wonder to me~~ "Things will be better now," she whispered.

"Exactly so, Slaine," Nan agreed. They'd gotten to the corridor but he halted their progress. "There are guards outside the door. Don't let them frighten you and do not be alarmed at our Izzy's condition. Alright?"

Slaine nodded once but moved to take her son.  "Can I have him back, Dad?"

"Of course," Nan said but he didn't hand the boy back over without kissing him first.

"Thanks," she said softly, holding onto her son as if protecting him from all foes. "My tired little warrior," she cooed.

The boy finally stirred, blinking bright blue eyes as he woke up and realized where he was. Two things prevented him from starting to cry. One was the fact that he was safe in his mother's arms. The second was the sight of his grandfather.

"Injuquaq! See how fast we got here? Do we get to see Auntie Izzy now?" Konall asked even as he waved at Kai. He liked that quiet uncle. He always hugged him. "Hi, Uncle Kai!"

"So bright and cheerful," Slaine smiled softly as she set him on his feet. "Go and say hello to Uncle Kai then."

Konall took a running leap toward Kai, who caught him easily then encased him in a bear hug. "And here I thought you were going to sleep the whole time," he teased.

"I had to rest up so I could help Mummy and Dad to help Auntie Izzy," the boy explained.

Alek glanced up at the approaching group and smiled warmly at the scene. "Good afternoon, sir," he said to Nan. "Welcome to DSVP, ma'am."

"Ah, good afternoon, gentlemen. This is my wife, 5 of 12 and Aileas; my daughter Slaine, her husband Kepas, and the great defender here is my grandson Konall. Konall, this is Sergeant Major Singh and Captain Pax," Nan stated.

The boy stared wide eyed, he couldn't recall seeing somebody green and with spots, but then, from his perch at Kai's side he said, "Uncle Kai, you can put me down. I have to stay outside and help."

"Oh no you don't," Slaine jumped in. "Little warriors have to be personal body guards to an Aunt, not doormen." She offered the men an apologetic smile from beneath her curling hair. "Last line of defense is a much more important role to play."

"Listen to your mom, kid," Tawa said gently. He always liked little kids and supposed he should have had some but that was life. "You have to save the best for last after all."

Nan bit back the smile he was holding in, knowing it would offend seven year old feelings. Instead, he unlocked the door and gestured them inside. "Come, it may be a bit cramped for now but Gabriel will see to the quarters next door I believe."

"For Slaine and Kepas," Five said primly.  "We are staying right here."

"Mummy?" came a small voice from the direction of the bedroom. As Five turned around, Izzy flew at her, hugging her tightly. "Oh god, I missed you. Oh Mum..."

Both Aileas and Five embraced their daughter in a huge hug, rubbing circles around her back. "We missed you too, bearn," Aileas cooed, a green eye lifting to Nan that was filled with tears. "My sweet wee bearn."

Gabriel stood up as soon as he'd heard the door but Izzy beat him out of the bedroom. He stood in the doorway quietly and grinned as he watched Izzy in her mother's arms. "Wilkommen," he said finally. "We've been waiting for you."

"Gabriel," Aileas said softly. "Our girl looks better, you must have been taking care of her. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, Mrs. Ecitsuj," Gabriel said as he came closer to kiss her cheek. "I love her and it is a pleasure."

"Wow! You look even more blue in real life than on the screen," Konall stated.

"Konall..." Kepas warned gently.

Gabriel laughed, though.  "In living color as they say, kleiner Mann."

Slaine flushed deep red at her son's exuberance. "I'm sorry, Captain Wagner," she murmured.

"Please, it's Gabriel and there is no need to apologize. I learned long ago the difference between a child's natural curiosity and adult bigotry. Mein kleiner Mann here means no harm," Gabriel said with a smile.

"Isn't he gorgeous, Mum?" Izzy said softly from her mother's arms.

"Very sweet," 5 of 12 said primly. "Just so long as he understands the Ecitsuj way." One green eye fixed on the man. It was hard and emotionless as she said, "Do not hurt those we love."

"It is also the Wagner way, ma'am," Gabriel said without flinching. "Ah, well, and the Munroe, Logan, Le Beau...they'd be all over me, too, if I did something stupid. But I won't. I promise."

"Mother," Izzy said softly. "He really is a lovely man. He's the father of my child."

"I know," Aileas said with a happy grin. "A cousin for Konall. Someone else to spoil!"

"Now sit, Izzy," Gabriel said. "Please. The sergeant major was very firm about you staying still."

Aileas let her daughter go reluctantly but nodded in approval. "I can see you're taking her health seriously."

"Yes, ma'am," Gabriel stated seriously. "I've told her and I'll tell you: she was my friend long before all else. I have loved her a very long time and I want her to stay my lover and friend for more than that."

Izzy held open her arms for Konall. "How's my wee nephew? Still defending the universe?"

Konall approached his aunt carefully because the blue guy said she wasn't feeling good. Instead of pouncing on her, he climbed up into her lap and wrapped his arms around her neck. "I really am. Dad's been showing me hunting and everything."

"Hunting, really? Bagged your first saber-toothed tiger yet?" Izzy asked, amusement dancing in her eyes as she cuddled the little boy tightly.

"There's no such as them any more," he stated. "But I tracked a real live bear. Dad says I can't get it yet because I have to learn his habits first."

"A bear!" Izzy grinned widely, kissing the boy's head firmly. "Such a brave little man. And I swear, Kepas," she said in as sweet a voice as she'd used with the boy, "if you teach Michael to hunt, I'll squash you like a fly."

The big man grinned then winked. "We'll see. Maybe just some fishing then."

"Then he can go camping with us!" Konall exclaimed. "Uncle Gabriel, there's lots of stuff to do when you camp."

"I know, little man. I went many times with my god father when I was your age," Gabriel said with a smile of remembrance.

"Oh no," Izzy said firmly. "No scary men with cigars or stalking bears or standing with spears up to your waists in water. This little boy is going to be wrapped in cotton wool and kept as safe as possible. He's had more than enough excitement already."

"Ach, there were no spears or bears involved," Gabriel said innocently. "Johann and I spent half the time chasing squirrels through the trees any way."

"And definitely no climbing trees," Izzy said firmly.

"Oh come now, Izzy," Kai said quietly from the corner.  "Even I did that."

"Uh-huh and how often did you fall out?" Izzy insisted.

"Never," he stated. He would have pretended he was offended but Kai had never gotten used to that sort of word play. "Wee one dropped that pumpkin on me."

Izzy only just managed to keep from grinning. "Well there you are then, it's still dangerous."

"Hockey?" Kai asked curiously.  "Even Sarah's mother plays that."

"Nope, could fall and break something," Izzy grinned, still cuddling the little boy.

"Football," Aileas offered.

"Slip in mud or get hit with a ball," Izzy retorted.

"Tennis," 5 of 12 added.

"Do you know how fast those projectiles go?" Izzy shook her head. "Definitely not."

"Hey, now, I would love to take the boy to the Don," Nan protested. "It's fun and you meet the most interesting people."

"No!" Izzy huffed.  "Too many people, he might get hurt."

Slaine was almost giggling as she recalled how careful and fierce she'd been with Konall, not even entirely trusting Kepas to hold him. "It gets easier"

"Don't worry, Auntie Izzy, "Konall finally said. "I'll teach him everything he needs to know. I can do all that stuff and I'm still here. Dad says I have a hard head."

"Oh my," Izzy sighed, giving the boy a squeeze. "I'm not going to get away with keeping him all to myself, am I?"

"I think not, liebling," Gabriel said with a smile then, very quickly, he added, "Besides, I played hockey with Papa and Aunt Rosemarin, too."

"I'm gonna have to make you swear to keep him safe," she told him with a wink.

"I think I can manage with all this fine help," he said happily, looking around at the others.

"As if we would let our new nephew come to harm," Slaine smiled fondly. She glanced over at the door, a confused look on her face. "There are two people about to ring the chime. One is Uncle Senek. I don't know the other."

"Maybe it's the man stealing Romulan you were so worried about, Buniq," Nan said mildly. "Got tired of him so she's bringing him back."

"You heard me?" Izzy flushed bright red. "And here I thought you'd left already."

Nan stood up and chuckled her, then Konall, under the chin. "Part of being a good Storyteller is also listening," he said with a grin as he headed for the door. Just as it chimed, he said, "Come in."

"Wow, sharp reflexes," Aylin commented, her two fingers on Senek's as she was led inside.

Izzy glanced up and had to force herself not to stare. What was Uncle Senek doing practically holding hands with the gypsy woman?

Nan grinned. He wasn't going to mention a damned thing about what Slaine had said. Instead, he looked up at Senek, dark eyes fairly dancing. "My dear girl was wondering if you'd ever come back, Senek. We were looking for you."

"Wow!" Konall breathed. "Mum, she's got stuff hanging off her face but she's prettier than the other lady."

Slaine half wondered if she'd regret asking... "Which other lady, Konall?"

Aylin bit back a laugh at the little boy. ~~Oh so cute! Apparently I have stuff hanging off my face, e'lev~~

"Miss T'Cerys' mummy," the boy said as if it made perfect sense.

Kepas cringed slightly. The boy was entirely too bald faced honest at times.

Senek bit back amusement but not completely. "I am so glad you approve, Master Konall, " he said mildly. Dark eyes took in Nan and his wife. "Nan and Aileas and 5 of 12, I would have you meet Aylin t'Sen, she who is now my bondmate and wife."

5 of 12 nodded respectfully at the woman but Aileas openly glared. "Be good for him," she warned.

"I intend to be," Aylin said easily. "If not, I answer to his family first and then to you."

"Other than my mother and daughter, these here are family to me," Senek said soberly. ~~The white haired one is the one I told you about, the brother I never had, e'lev~~ "Aileas, the last thirteen years no longer matter," he added, knowing the woman would understand.

Letting out a soft hmph, Aileas nodded and took the woman's hand. "Then welcome to the family, quine. You're more than welcome if you can give him a little happiness."

Senek knew better than to hug Slaine but he still offered her and Kepas a smile. "And I am more than pleased to see you two as well," he said gently.

"Same here, sir," Kepas replied. He'd always liked the Vulcan, even if he was a bit odd. The man understood what it was to have both power and control that came with their respective unusual heights.

"Jolan'tru, lhhei," Slaine whispered to Aylin.  "Aefvadh..."

"You speak Rihan?" Aylin asked with a wide smile.

Slaine glanced at her mother and then Kepas.  "Ie..."

"This is Nan and his Nartok's second daughter, Isobel's sister, Slaine, and her husband Kepas. The little gentleman with such fine taste is their son Konall," Senek continued, winking at Konall. He looked around and finally spotted Kai in the corner. "Ah, there you are. This is the oldest Ecitsuj, Kai, a fine teacher and my daughter's target most of the time."

"Target? Oh now you've got to explain that one," Aylin laughed brightly. ~~I can feel the fear coming off of him like a fine mist~~

"T'Cerys has a fondness from dropping things on me," Kai said quietly though he shot Izzy a mischievous look. "Usually from trees."

~~He is wary of strangers, e'lev--all of them and with good reason. Give him time.~~ "Yes, but you never moved out of the way very quickly, either, Kai."

"It amused her and Coaimhe," Kai replied with a shrug.

"The amusement of children is always a worthy cause," Aylin agreed with an easy smile. "I don't get much opportunity but I like to play."

"Hear that, Konall?" Aileas called, grinning. "There's someone else to play with you."

Gabriel watched the captain and his new lady carefully. Not that he had anything against the woman personally but, ach, Hexefertigkeit was blasphemy. It took every ounce of willpower in him to not want to get some holy water to spritz on her.

Senek nodded at Kai again. "I didn't tell you, Kai, that while I was visiting your family in London that I won a sizeable amount of credits playing darts in the pub."

"Kendall?" Kai asked.

"Aylesworth," Senek replied.

"Och, now I am truly impressed. The old codger's an expert," Kai said with a slight smile.

Aylin fixed her soft hazel eyes on the station commander and flashed him her most charming smile. Reaching on her tiptoes, she kissed Senek's cheek then moved off to stand near the blue man. "I'm not a witch, Commander," she said very softly just for his ears. "I won't curse you or anyone you love. I don't make poisons or cast spells."

Gabriel fixed aquamarine eyes on the woman. "It's nothing personal, ma'am," he said quietly, "but what you do has always smacked of blasphemy to me."

"Surely not intolerant of the worship of the Elements, Commander?" Aylin asked softly. "Doesn't your religion preach of respecting other races' beliefs?"

"These days it does but it still makes me uncomfortable. I was raised in a very orthodox way. That does not mean I do not respect your right to believe as you choose, though." He snorted softly. "Years ago, they would have hanged you or burned you at the stake. Me? I will just walk away shaking my head."

"I was the nail who refused to be hammered down," she said with a careful smile. "I would not sit down, I would not be quiet. And when they tried to force me to conform, I left. I would burn for my right to be as I choose and not as society demands, Mr Wagner. I would swing for it."

"And I would fight for your right to that choice. I may not agree with it but it is, at least here in the Federation, a freedom you are guaranteed," Gabriel said soberly. He held a hand out to her. "Frieden?"

Smiling easily, she took his hand and shook it.  "That is why I came."

"Then all is well," he said with a smile. "You see, Isobel, the captain's perfectly fine."

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