[ussbansheec] A Good Morning and Good Start

  • From: Andy Maluhia <CaptainAndy@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ussbansheec@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 05:45:27 -0400

_A Good Morning and Good Start
_by Aiyana Swiftwind and Donald Blake

The sun coming through the window woke her and Aiyana smiled yet again. It hadn't been a silly dream. A strong decent man was asleep next to her, his face almost boyish in repose. The sunburn was still there as was the fine blond stubble. She was still studying his face when he stirred, blue eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning," came his deep but mild voice as he reached to caress her cheek.

"Morning yourself, handsome," she replied as she brushed the stubble on his chin. "Hungry?"

"Very but don't trouble yourself," Donald began. He wrapped an arm around her waist. "You are too comfortable. Stay a while if you can. Talk to me."

Aiyana settled back into his embrace. She supposed the phrase 'talk to me' should have settled off all sorts of internal alarms but they were oddly silent at the moment. She'd told herself the day before and she told herself again: I trust him "What's on your mind, Donald?"

"I really would like to sty in this town, Aiyana: to practice here and get to know you better. Does that appeal to you?" he asked.

"It does if you realize and accept that I have two boys and a very large family. You'll be grilled, quizzed, and quite possibly raked over coals," she warned.

He hmmphed softly in amusement but his voice was wistful as he said, "I like children, Aiyana, and I would expect nothing less than what you said if it concerned a woman as fine as you are."

She almost giggled again. "You're sweet, Donald. Now, when do you tell me more about the tall, sun burnt, and good looking doctor who just dropped here on the res out of nowhere?"

He sighed aloud. "I will but...give me time, Aiyana. I swear to you that you have nothing to fear. Just..." It was the first time he sounded less than confident, less than self-assured. "Give me time to sort things out. There may even be times when I will simply be gone."

"Just tell me you aren't married.  I will /not/ be a party to that."

Again there was a soft hmmph and his voice remained wistful. "No, Aiyana, I'm not married though I did have a son who hasn't been in my life for a very long time."

"I'm sorry," she said softly.

"Don't be," he told her.  "It will work out.  Just trust me."

"I do, Donald, I do."

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