[USS Athena] "Family Ties"]

  • From: Noah Fyrstk <ensnoahfyrstk@xxxxxxx>
  • To: ussathena@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 13:42:22 -0400


Meal-time aboard the Athena was always a treat to watch.  The majority of the Starfleet and Romulan crews still refused to interact with one another.  IT was generally understood that one side of the mess hall was the Starfleet half and the other was for the Romulan crew.  Since the new contact with the Alphan quadrant had been established, and the Toira had been built with slip-stream capability, the number of crew from each government was pretty even.  While tensions onboard were not bad, there was still the obvious division.

Whenever Noah went in to eat, he could feel the shun from the Romulans.  The Federation side of the Fyrstk (or Fyrs'tk) clan had it's reputation.  Noah's father had been banned from the Empire, and both Lukas and Noah, had made their own marks in the Empire's history books, though Noah now knew his older brother had actually been, grudgingly, accredited with aiding the Empire on a couple of occasions.  Still, this did nothing to keep the unwelcome looks from the Romulan crew.  Noah, however, always the oprimist would continually try. One that he was sure he was getting through to was his first cousin, JhuRhiana t'Fyrs'tk. 

Noah was actually very sirprised to learn that Arrain JhuRhiana and himself were related.  Though she knew from the moment she knew who the Athena's CMO was.  Noah did not find out who she was until Lt. Commander Svonn had casually mentioned the possible family ties due to the Fyrstk name.  When Noah confronted JhuRhiana about it, she, very reluctantly, acknowledged they did indeed share the same grandmother.  It was JhuRhiana whom Noah decided to sit with while he ate this particular meal.

"Hey, Cuz," Noah said sitting down across from her.

"Is it not customary for one to request another's permission before joining them at their dining table," JhuRhiana asked, not looking up from her food.

"Yean. its' good to see you, also," Noah replied.

"I never implied it was pleasing at all to see you," the Rihannsu responded.

"And Ah'm guessin' ya probably never will, but that won't stop me from trahin'." Noah started in on his meal. "Someday y'all will be proud to acknowledge me as family,"

"More than likely when the Elements start comingling without disastrous results," JhuRhiana replied.

"Ah still cain't understand whah you treat me lahke this," Noah said, taking a sip from his glass of iced tea.  "Ah mean, with the improved relations between the Federation and the Empahre..."

"There is still the fact you are considered a traitor to the *Empahre,*" JhuRhiana replied, emphasizing the way Noah pronounced the i vowel.

Noah chuckled and studied his cousin for a moment.  "See, you are hearing only what you want to hear, and branin' me. Someday, y'all may want to get all the facts about mah traitorous acts."

"I know enough of the facts. Of how you and your brother showed open aggression against the Empire.  Of the destruction of a warbird at the hands of your brother.  Do you deny any of that?"

"Well, Ah don't know how aggressive Ah was," Noah replied.  He remembered Commander Rian offering him to stay with the Empire, and him refusing as hostilities were escalating between the two governments.  "And as far and Lukas is concerned, Ah know it was either destroy or be destroyed ... in Federation space no less. AND, he was attacked first."

"Everyone has their own version of events," JhuRhiana said cooly.  She rose from the table, grabbing her tray. "Now, if you will excuse me,... or even if you won't, I don't care, I have shuttles to perform flight checks and maintenance on."  Without waiting for an answer, she moved off.

Noah watched her leave.  In her wake, Noah heard mumbled comments of approval from the Romulans whom were stil eating bur had been eavesdropping on their conversation.  He shrugged it off.  At least she had said more than two words to him this time.

Dr. Noah Fyrstk, MD
Chief Medical Officer

Arrain JhuRhiana t'Fyrs'tk
NPC Helmsman

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