[Umpqua Birds] Prairie falcon fords pond

  • From: James Billstine <billstinj@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: umpquabirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2015 14:54:02 -0700

I just had the weirdest experience at fp. All the birds stirred up and
settled down, and a falcon flew over and landed on the flats. The
shorebirds paid no attention to it. A stilt and 2 Yellowlegs walked within
3 feet of it. As it sat there I observed the bird's sandy brown body and
thin and sparse vertical breast barring. I also noticed something off about
its eye mark. Of course I didn't have my camera or bird guide so I walked
back to my car and grabbed them. I started to think it was a prfa, so I
quickly read the distinguishing characteristics. When I got back it was
lazily circling and flying north, and I managed to get my scope on it and
observe dark underwings coverts. The flight was also different, stiffer
wings, and I feel it would be safe to say bluntish wingtips.

Unless I'm missing something I am pretty sure I just saw a prairie falcon!

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  • » [Umpqua Birds] Prairie falcon fords pond - James Billstine