[Umpqua Birds] Green Herons Myrtle Creek

  • From: James Billstine <billstinj@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "umpquabirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <umpquabirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2015 08:46:44 -0700

I just walked out of my house wondering about where to look for Green
Herons not 3 minutes ago and heard some rustling from the thick cedar tree
right next to my window. I looked up and was expecting a Stellar's Jay to
fly out, but a very strange-shaped bird did instead. I couldn't pin it,
until a second flew out. "Cormorant?" I thought to myself... "No, it's too
small." A strange croaking began, and a third bird flew out, turned to
profile, then flew to the creek, which is about two blocks away. "GREEN
HERONS?!?!" I had THREE of them in my tree? Does that make it a roost? WOW!

James Billstine


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