[Umpqua Birds] Re: GWF Geese and other migrants, WCDouglas Co.

  • From: MJ Mello <mjmello@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: matthewghunter@xxxxxxxxx, obol <obol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ub <umpquabirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 09:01:39 -0700

Thanks, Matt. I was just going to do a post asking if anyone could help us ID the large flock that was over our place in Elkton this morning. We woke up this morning to the rapid, high-pitched call of approx. 500 birds that were circling high above our place. It reminded us of the morning "fly offs" the Aleutian geese do in March near Eureka CA (our former home). They do sound quite similar; however, it appears Greater White Fronted is the more likely ID. (They were back lit, so just an outline could be seen.)


John Mello

On 9/21/2015 8:39 AM, Matthew G Hunter wrote:

GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE have been flying over west-central Douglas County since before dawn this morning. At my place they have been about a mile high. Flock size 50-300, every 5-30 mins.

Also at the break of dawn, a probably "wandering" NORTHERN PYGMY-OWL gave one series and single note, possibly looking for unoccupied territory. I've only had 3 previous records, all in late March and April.

Nearly a dozen BLACK-THROATED GRAY WARBLERS around this morning, and one COMMON YELLOWTHROAT calling from a blackberry/willow patch.

GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW now a daily presence. CHIPPING SPARROWS still around daily.

On the "nada" end of things, I have yet to hear a SWAINSON'S THRUSH here this fall, night or day.

...out waiting for the gutter guys....

Matt Hunter

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