Re: [tuning-math] More on chord geometry

  • From: Carl Lumma <carl@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 22:58:27 -0700

>The symmetrical 7-limit note lattice has "deep holes" which are
>geometrically octahedra, and musically hexanies. The dual cubic lattice
>of 7-limit tetrads just discussed has eight-tetrad cubes as holes; if we
>look at the corresponding notes we have a 14-note stellated octahedron.
>Fans of superparticular ratios may be interested to hear that considered
>as a scale, this has all of its steps superparticular rations, though of
>highly variable size:

That's what Wilson calls the Stellated Hexany.  Highly varying size, as
you say.  It rivals the diamond in tetrads/notes, but has no tonal

The 12-tone subset with the most 3:2's is a scale I've improvised in,
and posted to tuning-math in the past.



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