TT Q-Tip:

  • From: "TTSystems ." <tunetrackersystems@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TuneTracker QuickTips <tunetracker@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 11:58:57 -0500

Greetings TuneTrackers,

There's a known issue that causes Command Center to occasionally
misinterpret which day's program log it's using, apparently due to the
timing of the transition from the final event one day to the first event of
the next day.  For customers with recent versions of Command Center, the
fix for this issue will be provided later this summer or in the fall in a
maintenance release.  Meanwhile, here is a solution you can use, for now,
to correct it.

Sometime shortly after midnight in your master logs (in other words, very
near the beginning of the master log, perhaps after one or two audio
events), add the following line:

# Run hey CommandCenter brsR

If your Command Center program shows up in the deskbar as "TuneTracker"
then use this instead:

# Run hey TuneTracker brsR

For this command, do NOT add an ampersand character at the end!

This will have the same effect as doing a CTRL-R from the keyboard, causing
Command Center to do a refresh and load the correct program log.

Best regards,

Dane Scott
TT Systems

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