[touchinglives] Updates

  • From: Touching Lives <sonia.touchinglives@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: touchinglives <touchinglives@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 11:49:17 +0530

1. Sept 1st week, I and Amrisha will be going to Bits Pilani for training

2. After that, I and Aditi will go to train in Lucknow

3. Madhya Pradesh Training is on the lines of conversing with the
comissioners and the heads of the villages. (Sandeep is doing the work)

Now the work begins:

1. Meeting with Neha from Nandi and Liz from Muktaangan for the School
Adoption Program (Sonia + Priya)
2. Software - Saurabh
3. Videos on Training (Saurabh + Sonia - Priya is open to join in)
4. Presentations for DB and Leighton (Modifying the current prez and filling
it up with pictures)

Let us set a deadline for this.


dr.sonia Touching Lives

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