[TN-Bird] Winter Birds

  • From: jwalk821@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 02:28:35 +0000 (UTC)

On this extremely chilly morning, I decided to bird our yard. I was startled to 
find 3 Hermit Thrushes braving the weather. Other notable birds were a few 
Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglets, 6 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, several 
White-throated Sparrows, and 1 Winter Wren that is probably the same bird I 
found a week before. 
This morning we ventured out to Pace Point. We were happy to see a large raft 
of over 100 American Coots floating along one side of the point. On the other 
side, we were very surprised to see 2 other rafts of ducks--one consisting of 
lots of Ruddy Ducks, and the other with Ruddy Ducks, several Lesser Scaups, and 
two Buffleheads. Near them were 2 Horned Grebes and 5 Pied-billed Grebes. 2 
American White Pelicans walked and swam around the point as well, and one had a 
green clip on its right wing which was probably carrying some electronic 
The fields at the Bennet's Creek Overlook hosted 1 Dark-eyed Junco, several 
Swamp, Song, and White-throated Sparrows, and a couple of Field, Chipping, and 
Lincoln's Sparrows, but no Leconte's or Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrows. The 
nearby trees were alive with woodland birds such as many Yellow-rumped and Pine 
Warblers, one Blackburnian Warbler, several Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and Eastern 
Phoebes. In the creek were lots of Mallards, a few Blue-winged Teal and 
Gadwall, and a surprisingly large amount of American Crows walking on the mud 
(and occasionally chasing a Ring-billed Gull). 
At Eagle Creek we were delighted to see a flock of between 20 and 30 Pine 
Siskins and 1 juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker, as well as 9 more pelicans just 
waking up from their sleep. 

Good Cool Weather Birding, 
Chloe Walker 
Murfreesboro, TN 

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