[TN-Bird] Veery, Pewee, B. Orioles at Radnor Lake, Davidson Co.

  • From: JanKShaw@xxxxxxx
  • To: tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, gkoehler4@xxxxxxxxxxx, jwalk821@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2012 13:07:28 -0400 (EDT)

Radnor lake
Davidson Co.
It was a great morning at Radnor Lake with actually seeing birds instead of 
 just hearing them.  Almost all species were seen well.  Scott Block  and I 
saw a gorgeous male Baltimore Oriole in the west parking lot along with  
two Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, then three other orioles later.  We also  had 
prolonged looks at Northern and Louisiana waterthrushes below the spillway  
bridge almost side by side.  Joining them there was a foraging Solitary  
Sandpiper, with another one along the dam.  A Veery was seen calling  in the 
just past the spillway bridge, and an Eastern Wood-Pewee at Long  Bridge.  
Mike Smith had a Warbling Vireo and Acadian Flycatcher near  Long Bridge.  
chimney swift
great crested flycatcher
eastern kingbird
white-eyed vireo
yellow-throated vireo
blue-headed vireo
warbling vireo
red-eyed vireo
purple martin
n. rough-winged swallow
barn swallow
ruby-throated kinglet
blue-gray gnatcatcher
Swainson's thrush
wood thrush
gray catbird
cedar waxwing
blue-winged warbler
TN warbler
Nashville warbler
n. parula
chestnut-sided warbler
yellow-rumped warbler
black-throated green warbler
yellow-throated warbler
palm warbler
black-and-white warbler
prothonotary warbler
n. waterthrush
Louisiana waterthrush
Kentucky warbler
summer tanager
scarlet tanager
eastern towhee
field sparrow with young
white-throated sparrow
rose-breasted grosbeak
Baltimore oriole
Jan Shaw
Nashville, TN  

Other related posts:

  • » [TN-Bird] Veery, Pewee, B. Orioles at Radnor Lake, Davidson Co. - JanKShaw