[TN-Bird] "The Tennessee Ornithological Society Celebrates 100 Years" is published in the Jan/Feb Issue of TN Conservationist

  • From: "" <dmarc-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> (Redacted sender "viclcsw@xxxxxxx" for DMARC)
  • To: tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2015 20:05:09 -0500

The article, "The Tennessee Ornithological Society Celebrates 100 Years!" is 
published in this month's issue of the Tennessee Conservationist Magazine.  The 
article is authored by Vickie Henderson (KTOS) and Danny Shelton (NTOS), and 
features the new TOS logo art by Melinda Fawver (KTOS). The article is the 
featured article on the cover of the Jan/Feb issue and is also the featured 
article on the Tennessee Conservationist Magazine website where you can read 
the article in full.  

Visit the website:  http://www.tn.gov/environment/conservationist/

A special thank you to Louise Zepp, Editor, and to Jeff Law, Art 
Director/Designer, for the beautiful layout of this article and its featured 

Additionally, in this issue, don't miss the great article on "Winter Birding" 
by Tony Lance with photos by Mike Todd.    

Vickie Henderson
Knox County
Knoxville, Tennessee

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  • » [TN-Bird] "The Tennessee Ornithological Society Celebrates 100 Years" is published in the Jan/Feb Issue of TN Conservationist