[thunder] Still getting posts that don't go out on the list!

  • From: Kevin Cussick <the.big.white.shepherd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "thunder@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <thunder@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2010 12:25:20 +0100

Hello to the owner of the list,

Can you take a look at the settings of the list when you have time?

I am still getting e-mail that didn't go out on the list it's almost all 
the time spam but I am not an admin now and I don't really want to be 
bothered with any more I deleted the mail I got as it was just spam.

But please go into the list settings and have me removed not to get 
e-mails that are not approved for the list this should now be you that 
gets this.

Andrew if you are monitoring maybe you could take a look as it was you 
that done all the technical stuff? with thanks.
All The Best
Kevin Cussick
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