[THIN] Re: Windows 2000 TS printer mapping

  • From: "John Carlson" <johnc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2003 10:04:15 -0600

Sounds like a great idea but, I don't think that I can route the
printing correctly. My connection from the remote offices varies from
location to location and some are going over the internet. They are
firewalled on each side and I don't know how I could make that happen. 

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Angus Macdonald
        Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:55 AM
        To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Subject: [THIN] Re: Windows 2000 TS printer mapping
        Couldn't you put JetDirect units in the printers, move one of
the remote servers to your central location and use that as a general
purpose NT print server? I find printing to be much more manageable that

                -----Original Message-----
                From: John Carlson [mailto:johnc@xxxxxxxxxx]
                Sent: 12 November 2003 15:29
                To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                Subject: [THIN] Re: Windows 2000 TS printer mapping
                I was hoping to eliminate the server at each remote

                        -----Original Message-----
                        From: Angus Macdonald
                        Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:18 AM
                        To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                        Subject: [THIN] Re: Windows 2000 TS printer
                        We have a number of remote printers with
JetDirect units but all our print queues are on a local print server,
with print jobs being spooled on from there. Our setup uses a custom app
to generate the print queues but you could achieve what you want using
the CON2PRT utility. Your login script (Kix would make it easy) could
run CON2PRT depending on the client machine name or NT group memberships
to make connections to shared queues on the NT print server.

                                -----Original Message-----
                                From: John Carlson
                                Sent: 12 November 2003 15:10
                                To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                Subject: [THIN] Windows 2000 TS printer
                                Hello all! I have lurking here for quite
a while and woudl like to start by saying I have really learned a lot
from all of you. Thank you for that. 
                                I am relative newbie to Terminal
Services and have made some promises I am having trouble delivering on.
My greatest stumbling block is remote printing. I have a client that I
am configuring this TS for and he has remote offices of 10 or so users
that will be connecting over a WAN. I have 1 workgroup printer in each
office and a couple of users will have local printers. My original
thinking was to have the workgroup printer connected via Jet Direct in
the remote office but this can change if necessary.
                                Currently each remote office has a
"server" that has the printer connected via LPT1 and is shared. The
other system are printing to that shared printer. If I connect to the TS
the printer gets created correctly and prints in this configuration. I
tried connecting the printer to a Jet Direct box and connect to the TS
the printer does not get created. 
                                What is the best way for me to
accomplish this? Can you point me to some documentation that may assist
                                Any help will be greatly appreciated. 

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