[THIN] Re: OT: VBS Script - Help

  • From: Jeff Malczewski <jmalczewski@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 09:05:28 -0400

Or you could just use the ismember method..
set grp = GetObject("CN=<groupname>,OU=xxxx,DC=xxxx,DC=xxxx")
member = grp.IsMember("CN=<username>,OU=xxxx,DC=xxxx,DC=xxxx")
If (member=true) Then 
    wscript.echo("Already member")
    blah blah
end if

-----Original Message-----
From: Shonk, Joe - Perot [mailto:JShonk@xxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 7:06 PM
To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [THIN] Re: OT: VBS Script - Help

Try rewriting your logic


grpmember = 0

For Each Member in ObjUser.Groups
  If member.name = "Student Internet" THEN
     grpmember = 1
  End If


 Also change:


 If grpmember = 1  THEN
  wscript.echo User & " is already a member of Student Internet group"
  wscript.echo User & " has been added to the Student Internet group"
 End If





From: Robert Barrett [mailto:RobertB@xxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:32 PM
To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [THIN] OT: VBS Script - Help


Hi all,


I work at a K-12 school division and we are trying to get our school based
people to look after their own students.  They are only responsible for
resetting passwords, unlocking accounts and adding students to the Internet
group when they have the appropriate permission slips signed.  We have
created a taskpad for them to use and everything works wonderful except the
adding to groups.  I cobbled together a vbs script that runs after they
click on a name and press the button, that is all good. It will add the user
to a group if they are not a member, but what I cannot get it to do is to
check membership and tell the teacher that the student is already a member
of that group.  It always tries to add the user and of course throws an
error.  I don't want them to have to deal with script errors.  So this is
the script, where am I going wrong. The grpmember echoes are just to check
the values as I went through.  It always evaluates to 0, I realize I have to
break out of the loop when it evaluates to 1 to prevent the overwrite but it
never does.




Dim grpmember


'This code checks to see whether a user is selected and prevents use of this
script without the snap-in.
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 Then 
 WScript.Echo "No User Selected" 
End If 


'This code converts the username to an LDAP string. 
For Each User In WScript.Arguments 
 objFirstPart = " LDAP://cn <ldap://cn> =" 


 'Edit the next line to match your OU and domain structure. 
 objLastPart = ",OU=School,OU=student ,DC=fvsd,DC=ab,DC=ca" 
 objLDAPNAME = objFirstPart & User & ObjLastPart 
 set objUser = GetObject (ObjLDAPNAME) 
 set grp = GetObject (" LDAP://CN=Student <ldap://CN=Student>  Internet,
OU=School, OU=Student, DC=fvsd, DC=ab, DC=ca")


 For Each Member in ObjUser.Groups
  If member.name <> "Student Internet" THEN
   grpmember = 0
   wscript.echo grpmember & " false"
   grpmember = 1
   wscript.echo grpmember & " true"
  End If


 wscript.echo grpmember


 If grpmember <> 0 THEN
  wscript.echo User & " is already a member of Student Internet group"
  wscript.echo User & " has been added to the Student Internet group"
 End If




Robert Barrett MCSE, CCA

Enterprise Administrator

 <mailto:robertb@xxxxxxxxxx> robertb@xxxxxxxxxx
Phone: (780) 927-3766

Fax: (780) 926-3037

 <http://www.fvsd.ab.ca/> http://www.fvsd.ab.ca


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