[THIN] Re: OT -Robocopy help needed

  • From: "Brian Ehlert" <brian.ehlert@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 17:48:38 -0400

If you are moving to a new volume..I usually do a copy, then just do a
"what has changed" for my final cut.

The initial copy can then happen in an extended window (during the
day), then one or two copies of just "what has changed".

Yes, everything has to be evaluated and compared, but the final cut
can happen much quicker.

On 10/16/06, Adam.Baum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <Adam.Baum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I need a little help with Robocopy.  I need to copy a whole drive to a new
storage unit.  I typically use Robocopy because it gets everything and
preserves permissions.  In this case, I have a few directories that I need
to exclude due to my access rights.  I have list permissions, but not read.
This causes Robocopy to pause and retry.  I've set the /W and /R paremeters
to one each, but the extra time it takes to go through this on these
directories literally adds a few hours to my copy process.  This will put
me beyond my downtime window on the cutover date.

I've tried using the /XD parameter without much luck.  The intial screen
that robocopy puts out looks like this:

C:\temp>robocopy l: m: /XD l:\maindir\dir1 /XD "l:\maindir\dir2\dir 3" /SEC
/MIR /R:1 /W:1

  ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows     ::     Version

 Started : Mon Oct 16 13:14:17 2006

  Source : l:\
    Dest : m:\

   Files : *.*

 Exc Dirs : l:\maindir\dir1
           l:\maindir\dir2\dir 3

 Options : *.* /S /E /COPY:DATS /PURGE /MIR /R:1 /W:1

Yes, there is a space between "dir" and "3".  That's why I put it in

The problem I am having is the I don't seem to getting any of the other
directories outside of "maindir".  The exclude seems to be working, but now
I am skipping anything else off the root (and their subdirs).  If I remove
the /XD parameters. I get the entire drive, but at the much longer time
interval due to access restrictions.

Any ideas?


ps-directory names have been changed in the above output to protect the


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