[THIN] Re: KB: CTX101644 - Seamless Exception Registry Flags

  • From: Adam.Baum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2005 08:08:24 -0700

So what exactly do these do?  I understand some of them, such as #14, but
what do the rest really mean in real world experiences?

|         |           "Jim Kenzig      |
|         |           Kenzig.com"      |
|         |           <jkenzig@xxxxxxxx|
|         |           m>               |
|         |           Sent by:         |
|         |           thin-bounce@freel|
|         |           ists.org         |
|         |                            |
|         |                            |
|         |           07/02/2005 08:00 |
|         |           AM               |
|         |           Please respond to|
|         |           thin             |
  |       To:       thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx                                          
  |       cc:                                                                   
  |       Subject:  [THIN] KB: CTX101644 - Seamless Exception Registry Flags    

CTX101644 - Seamless Exception Registry Flags

This document was published at:

Document ID: CTX101644, Created on: Mar 17, 2003, Updated: Jun 30, 2005

Products: Citrix MetaFrame XP 1.0 for Microsoft Windows 2000
 This document outlines the currently available Server Seamless Engine      
 Exception Registry Flags that can be used to control specific behavior of  
 an Application's Windows when run in an ICA Seamless Session. There are 2  
 sections, Global and per Specified Window. The contents of this document   
 are subject to change at any time.                                         
 Global Registry Flags                                                      
 NOTE: These values affect all Seamless connections to a Server and require 
 changing the value of only one specific Registry key. If more than one of  
 these flags are needed, then add them together as follows.                 
 For example to use Flags 1 and 8 below, the value for SeamlessFlags would  
 be 0x1 + 0x200 = 0x201.                                                    
 Or if you wanted to use Flags 1, 8 and 9 then the value for SeamlessFlags  
 would be 0x1+0x200+0x400 = 0x601.                                          
 Registry Key: HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Citrix/wfshell/TWI     
 Value Name: SeamlessFlags                                                  
 Value Type: REG_DWORD                                                      
 Values: See 1 through 15 Below                                             
 1. DISABLE SESSION SHARING                                                 
 Value: 0x1                                                                 
 Explanation: Determines if each Seamless connection to the server uses     
 Session Sharing. Use this Flag to Disable Session Sharing. Without this    
 Registry Value set, or setting this value to 0x0 enables Session Sharing.  
 Required: MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for    
 Win2k or Win2k3 - MF XP 1.0 SP2 for TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for    
 2. DISABLE MODALITY CHECK                                                  
 Value: 0x2                                                                 
 Explanation: Specifies that the ICA client will not perform a Modality     
 check. The owner window of a Modal Dialog can be moved, although input     
 focus will remain on the Modal Dialog. This is useful when running an      
 application such as PaintShop Pro Ver 6 in a Seamless session. Without     
 this Registry Value set, or setting this value to 0x0 specifies that the   
 ICA client will perform a Modality check on Seamless windows.              
 Required: MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for    
 Win2k or Win2k3, MF XP 1.0 SP2 for TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for     
 3. DISABLE ACTIVE ACCESSIBILITY HOOK                                       
 Value: 0x4                                                                 
 Explanation: Determines if the Seamless Engine will load its Active        
 Accessibility hook in a Seamless session. By default the Seamless Engine   
 uses a technique called event hooking to monitor any changes made to an    
 applicationâs windows on the server and sends these changes to the ICA     
 Client. Wfshell.exe loads the DLL, sehook20.dll. Without this Registry     
 Value set, or setting this value to 0x0 specifies that Active              
 Accessibility is enabled.                                                  
 Required: MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for    
 Win2k, or Win2k3, MF XP 1.0 SP2 for TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for    
 4. SUPPORT ZERO SIZED WINDOWS                                              
 Value: 0x8                                                                 
 Explanation: Specifies that any applications that create zero-sized        
 windows will be reported to the ICA client and will be re-created as       
 zero-sized windows on the client. Some applications use zero-sized windows 
 to enforce windows modality relationships. Without this Registry Value     
 set, or setting this value to 0x0 specifies that zero-sized windows will   
 not be reported or created on the client.                                  
 Required: MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for    
 Win2k or Win2k3, MF XP 1.0 SP2 for TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for     
 5. ENABLE COLOR SYNC                                                       
 Value: 0x10                                                                
 Explanation: Specifies that the Seamless session will inherit the client   
 system color settings. This may cause problems with some applications when 
 the color scheme used on the client is not fully supported by the server.  
 Without this Registry Value set, or setting this value to 0x0 specifies    
 that the Seamless session will not inherit the client system color         
 Required: MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for    
 Win2k or Win2k3, MF XP 1.0 SP2 for TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for     
 6. DISABLE SYSTRAY AGENT                                                   
 Value: 0x20                                                                
 Explanation: Specifies that the System Tray agent in a Seamless session    
 will not be created. The System Tray agent allows an application that uses 
 the System Tray, using the Shell_NotifyIcon API, to be sent to the ICA     
 clientâs System Tray. Without this Registry Value set, or setting this     
 value to 0x0 specifies that System Tray agent in a Seamless session will   
 be created.                                                                
 Required: MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for    
 Win2k or Win2k3, MF XP 1.0 SP2 for TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for     
 7. DISABLE ICONIC WINDOWS                                                  
 Value: 0x80                                                                
 Explanation: Specifies that iconic windows will not be sent to the ICA     
 client. This may improve performance slightly, however setting it can      
 cause problems with applications such as MS Office when run in a Seamless  
 session. For example, the applicationâs icon may not be visible when it is 
 minimized on the local Client Taskbar. Without this Registry Value set, or 
 setting this value to 0x0, specifies that iconic windows are sent to the   
 ICA client.                                                                
 Required: MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for    
 Win2k or Win2k3, MF XP 1.0 SP2 for TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for     
 8. DISABLE WM_QUERYDRAGICON MESSAGES                                       
 Value: 0x200                                                               
 Explanation: Specifies that the Seamless engine will not send              
 WM_QUERYDRAGICON messages to application windows to obtain the Icons       
 associated with them. Without this Registry Value set, or setting this     
 value to 0x0, the Seamless engine will send these messages to application  
 windows to get the Icons associated with them.                             
 Required: MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for    
 Win2k or Win2k3, MF XP 1.0 SP2 for TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for     
 9. FORCE RAW MOUSE EVENTS TO SERVER                                        
 Value: 0x400                                                               
 Explanation: Specifies that the ICA client will send raw mouse event       
 messages to the server. This is useful, when running an application        
 developed using the Borland IDE, which allows the creation of dialog boxes 
 that behave like a modal dialog box, but its parent window still responds  
 to certain types of window messages, like WM_SETFOCUS. Without this        
 Registry Value set, or setting this value to 0x0, specifies that the ICA   
 client will send regular translated mouse event messages to the server.    
 Required: ICA Win32 Client version 6.31 or later - MF 1.8 SP4 for TSE - MF 
 1.8 SP4 for Win2K - MF XP 1.0 SP3 for Win2k or Win2k3, MF XP 1.0 SP2 for   
 TSE, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for Win2k3.                                
 10. DISABLE FULL WINDOW DRAG                                               
 Value: 0x800                                                               
 Explanation: Specifies that the Windows feature "Full Window Drag" can be  
 disabled. This may be necessary for some non-standard applications.        
 Without this Registry Value set, or setting this value to 0x0 specifies    
 this Windows feature is enabled.                                           
 Required: MF XP 1.0 SP3 for Win2k or Win2k3, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS 3.0    
 for Win2k3.                                                                
 11. FORCE MENU WINDOW TO HAVE OWNER                                        
 Value: 0x1000                                                              
 Explanation: Specifies that Menu Windows will always be re-created on the  
 ICA client with an owner window.                                           
 Required: International versions of MF XP SP3 for Win2k or Win2k3, Post MF 
 XP SP3 English Hotfix XE103W2K126 for Win2k or later, post MF XP SP3       
 English Hotfix XE103W2K3037 for Win2k3 or later, MPS 3.0 for Win2k, MPS    
 3.0 for Win2k3.                                                            
 12. DISABLE SHELL HOOK AGENT                                               
 Value: 0x2000                                                              
 Explanation: Instant Messenger type programs commonly use the              
 FlashWindow() API to flash the taskbar button to alert users of incoming   
 messages. After applying the updates listed below in the 'Required'        
 section, support for the FlashWindow() API is added and turned on by       
 Setting the Global Seamless registry value (0x2000) disables this default  
 Required: Post MF XP SP3 English Hotfix XE103W2K126 for Win2k or later,    
 post MF XP SP3 English Hotfix XE103W2K3037 for Win2k3 or later, MPS 3.0    
 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for Win2k3.                                             
 13. DISABLE CLIENT INFO SYNC                                               
 Value: 0x4000                                                              
 Explanation: Some custom applications that did not display properly when   
 running on Windows XP/2000 with the Windows XP Theme enabled sometimes saw 
 the same behavior when running as a seamless application on MetaFrame XP   
 Feature Release 3 on Windows 2003 that does not have the Windows XP Theme  
 enabled. For example, the title bar of the application is larger in        
 Starting with MetaFrame XP Feature Release 3 for Windows 2000/2003, the    
 server seamless engine has extended support for certain window style       
 properties of the workstation where the seamless application is running;   
 for example, the styles generated by Windows XP Themes.                    
 This new seamless global registry flag, when set, instructs the            
 server-side seamless engine not to read certain client workstation window  
 style information.                                                         
 Set the following server-side registry key to instruct the server seamless 
 engine not to synchronize with the client's window style that pertains to  
 those representative of the Windows XP Theme:                              
 Name: SeamlessFlags                                                        
 Type: REG_DWORD                                                            
 Value: 0x4000                                                              
 Custom applications that do not display properly when running on Windows   
 XP/2000 with the Windows XP Theme enabled can be run in a seamless session 
 from a workstation that has the Windows XP Theme enabled and be displayed  
 using the Windows Classic style.                                           
 Required: Post MF XP SP3 English Hotfix XE103W2K126 for Win2k or later,    
 post MF XP SP3 English Hotfix XE103W2K3037 for Win2k3 or later, MPS 3.0    
 for Win2k with Hotfix MPSE300W2K006 or later, MPS 3.0 for Win2k3 with      
 Hotfix MPSE300W2K3017 or later.                                            
 14. Job Object                                                             
 Explanation: If a published application was a program that created a new   
 process and then terminated itself, the published application appeared in  
 the Management Console for MetaFrame XP. However, in a seamless session    
 the application was launched through session sharing, the application      
 appeared in the Management Console but then disappeared.                   
 By default, the thread that checks the process cares about only the first  
 instance of the launched process. The thread regarded the published        
 application as terminated when the first instance of the process was       
 terminated even if that process created a separate process.                
 This update provides a way to configure those published applications to    
 use the JOB object so that additional processes created by the initial     
 process are considered as published applications.                          
 For this update to work properly, you need to perform the following steps: 
 If the command line of the published application is [ApplicationPath], go  
 to the following registry key and make changes as necessary:               
 Key Value: [ApplicationPath]                                               
 Type: DWORD                                                                
 Value: 0                                                                   
 For example, if the command line specified for the published application   
 is c:\notepad.cmd, go to the following registry key and make changes as    
 Key Value: c:\notepad.cmd                                                  
 Type: DWORD                                                                
 Value: 0                                                                   
 For those applications whose command line is specified in the              
 StartInJobObject key, the published application will not disappear from    
 the Management Console until all of the processes created by the process   
 are terminated.                                                            
 Required: Post MF XP SP3 English Hotfix XE103W2K126 for Win2k or later,    
 post MF XP SP3 English Hotfix XE103W2K3037 for Win2k3 or later, MPS 3.0    
 for Win2k, MPS 3.0 for Win2k3.                                             
 15. Worker Wait Interval                                                   
 Explanation: This update addresses a custom application's performance when 
 run seamlessly. Some applications appeared to be slower to respond when    
 performing actions such as moving, resizing, or closing windows. This fix  
 introduces two new registry settings that allow administrators to          
 configure an explicit time interval for the seamless engine mechanism to   
 monitor when changes take place in the seamless applications.              
 Create the following two registry keys:                                    
 Key: WorkerWaitInterval                                                    
 Type: REG_DWORD                                                            
 Value: <Number of milliseconds allowed> (Values are between 5 â 500; the   
 default is 50.)                                                            
 Key: WorkerFullCheckInterval                                               

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