[texbirds] VNC Field Trip to South Padre...

  • From: MiriamEagl@xxxxxxx
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 20:54:22 -0400 (EDT)

...was a great success!  Several folks got life birds, as most of the  
birds that were hanging around yesterday were still around today, and we  
actually logged more species (probably because we spent extended time out on 
boardwalk...)!  A few new species included a female CAPE MAY WARBLER along  
the back side of the Convention Centre, and the Swainson's Warbler was still 
 around delighting a bunch of folks (and the Kentucky Warbler was still 
eating  worms out of Robin's hand... ;-))!  Two different female-type WESTERN  
TANAGERS made an appearance (one out back and one at the base of the  
boardwalk).  And there was not one, but TWO BOBOLINKS coming in to the  water 
I'm still working on pictures (Erik, I got you beat--I downloaded 915 from  
yesterday... :-P), so along with some additional ones from today it'll be  
tomorrow probably before I can get the pictures up, but there were a lot of  
happy folks out there!  Three cheers for Scarlet, Robin, and everyone who  
helped feed the birds (I saw she got a lot of kids involved in handing out  
mealworms as well ;-))!
Bird List:
  Black-bellied  Whistling-Duck          Dendrocygna  autumnalis
Blue-winged  Teal                       Anas discors
Redhead                                Aythya americana
Pied-billed  Grebe                      Podilymbus podiceps
Brown  Pelican                          Pelecanus occidentalis
Least  Bittern                          Ixobrychus exilis
Great Blue  Heron                       Ardea herodias
Great  Egret                            Ardea alba
Snowy  Egret                            Egretta thula
Little Blue  Heron                      Egretta caerulea
Tricolored  Heron                       Egretta tricolor
Reddish  Egret                          Egretta rufescens
Cattle  Egret                           Bubulcus ibis
Yellow-crowned  Night-Heron             Nyctanassa violacea
White-faced  Ibis                       Plegadis chihi
Roseate  Spoonbill                      Platalea ajaja
Turkey  Vulture                         Cathartes aura
Osprey                                 Pandion haliaetus
Clapper  Rail                           Rallus longirostris
Sora                                   Porzana carolina
Common  Gallinule                       Gallinula galeata
American  Coot                          Fulica americana
Wilson's  Plover                        Charadrius wilsonia
Black-necked  Stilt                     Himantopus mexicanus
Spotted  Sandpiper                      Actitis macularius
Willet                                 Tringa semipalmata
Lesser  Yellowlegs                      Tringa flavipes
Marbled  Godwit                         Limosa fedoa
Ruddy  Turnstone                        Arenaria interpres
Sanderling                             Calidris alba
Least  Sandpiper                        Calidris minutilla
Dunlin                                 Calidris alpina
Short-billed  Dowitcher                 Limnodromus griseus
Laughing  Gull                          Leucophaeus atricilla
Least  Tern                             Sternula antillarum
Gull-billed  Tern                       Gelochelidon nilotica
Caspian  Tern                           Hydroprogne caspia
Royal  Tern                             Thalasseus maximus
Black  Skimmer                          Rynchops niger
Rock  Pigeon                            Columba livia
Eurasian  Collared-Dove                 Streptopelia decaocto
Yellow-billed  Cuckoo                   Coccyzus americanus
Chimney  Swift                          Chaetura pelagica
Ruby-throated  Hummingbird              Archilochus colubris
Belted  Kingfisher                      Megaceryle alcyon
Yellow-bellied  Sapsucker               Sphyrapicus varius
Crested  Caracara                       Caracara cheriway
Eastern  Wood-Pewee                     Contopus virens
Great Crested  Flycatcher               Myiarchus crinitus
Western  Kingbird                       Tyrannus verticalis
Eastern  Kingbird                       Tyrannus tyrannus
Loggerhead  Shrike                      Lanius ludovicianus
Warbling  Vireo                         Vireo gilvus
Philadelphia  Vireo                     Vireo philadelphicus
Northern Rough-winged  Swallow         Stelgidopteryx  serripennis
Barn  Swallow                           Hirundo rustica
Marsh  Wren                             Cistothorus palustris
Gray-cheeked  Thrush                    Catharus minimus
Swainson's  Thrush                      Catharus ustulatus
Gray  Catbird                           Dumetella carolinensis
Blue-winged  Warbler                    Vermivora cyanoptera
Black-and-white  Warbler                Mniotilta varia
Prothonotary  Warbler                   Protonotaria citrea
Swainson's  Warbler                     Limnothlypis swainsonii
Tennessee  Warbler                      Oreothlypis peregrina
Nashville  Warbler                      Oreothlypis ruficapilla
Kentucky  Warbler                       Geothlypis formosa
Common  Yellowthroat                    Geothlypis trichas
Hooded  Warbler                         Setophaga citrina
American  Redstart                      Setophaga ruticilla
Cape May  Warbler                       Setophaga tigrina
Northern  Parula                        Setophaga americana
Magnolia  Warbler                       Setophaga magnolia
Yellow  Warbler                         Setophaga petechia
Blackpoll  Warbler                      Setophaga striata
Lincoln's  Sparrow                      Melospiza lincolnii
Summer  Tanager                         Piranga rubra
Scarlet  Tanager                        Piranga olivacea
Western  Tanager                        Piranga ludoviciana
Rose-breasted  Grosbeak                 Pheucticus ludovicianus
Blue  Grosbeak                          Passerina caerulea
Indigo  Bunting                         Passerina cyanea
Painted  Bunting                        Passerina ciris
Dickcissel                             Spiza americana
Bobolink                               Dolichonyx oryzivorus
Red-winged  Blackbird                   Agelaius phoeniceus
Yellow-headed  Blackbird                Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
Great-tailed  Grackle                   Quiscalus mexicanus
Bronzed  Cowbird                        Molothrus aeneus
Brown-headed  Cowbird                   Molothrus ater
Orchard  Oriole                         Icterus spurius
Baltimore  Oriole                       Icterus galbula

Mary Beth  Stowe
McAllen, TX
_www.miriameaglemon.com_ (http://www.miriameaglemon.com/) 

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  • » [texbirds] VNC Field Trip to South Padre... - MiriamEagl