[texbirds] Tropical Parula still singing at Neals Lodges, male Painted Bunting at Chalk Cliffs

  • From: SeEtta Moss <seettam@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 20:37:22 -0500

Yesterday was nasty and windy so I didn't check on the Tropical Parula
until evening when the winds abated somewhat--it sang only briefly around 7
and other birders said it sang briefly around 6 pm also.  I did go down
this this morning and heard it singing but it did not sing this evening.
While the good news is that it is still here, there is some Rio Frio Fest
this week-end and many motorcyclists have arrived for this--so the decibel
has risen from almost a whisper to a loud roar.  Please do be aware that
Neals Lodges owns the area where the Tropical Parula is located and though
they do allow birders to use their property who are not staying in their
cabins they charge a daily fee of $5/ per person.
I birded an area not far from here called Chalk Cliffs Park (also private
with a daily fee of $8).  I didn't even get out of my car before I spotted
a male Painted Bunting (one of the first of the year in this area per
ebird).  It was birdy with at least 75 Yellow-rumped Warblers (both
Audubons and Myrtles, some in bright spring attire),  Nashville Warblers
(several), one Wilson's Warbler (foy), White-eyed/Bell's/Yellow-throated
and Blue-headed Vireos, Brown Thrashers, Olive Sparrows, beautifully
singing Lark Sparrows, at least 6 Summer Tanagers, Ladder-backed
Woodpeckers, a Greater Roadrunner and at least one Broad-winged Hawk
joining dozens of vultures playing in the winds around the cliffs.  I have
uploaded several photos of the Painted Bunting (I don't get these in
Colorado so not first of the year but first of this decade for me)
onto my Birds
and Nature blog <http://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/> and will add more
photos of other local birds tonight.

SeEtta Moss
Colorado birder currently in Concan, Tx
Personal blog @ http://BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com
Blogging for Birds an Blooms Magazine @ http://BirdsAndBloomsBlog.com

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  • » [texbirds] Tropical Parula still singing at Neals Lodges, male Painted Bunting at Chalk Cliffs - SeEtta Moss