[texbirds] Starr County Highlights

  • From: "Mary Beth Stowe" <mbstowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'texbirds'" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 16:24:59 -0600

Hi, all!

Just a quick note to report the highlights from the Birder Patrol trip:  a
pair of Wood Ducks flying over at Salineno, and the immature Reddish Egret
that's evidently been hanging around there on and off.  At Falcon SP
eagle-eyed Ralph Peterson spotted a Canada Goose along the shoreline as you
drive down the dirt track next to the boat ramp, and follow it until it
looks like you're about to drive into the lake; it was on the left on the
far side of the little inlet.  Based on the size we're guessing a
Lesser-definitely not one of the big Canadas.


More later, along with pictures!  My bird list below:


Canada Goose                          Branta canadensis

  Wood Duck                             Aix sponsa

  Mottled Duck                          Anas fulvigula

  Northern Shoveler                     Anas clypeata

  Ring-necked Duck                      Aythya collaris

  Ruddy Duck                            Oxyura jamaicensis

  Plain Chachalaca                      Ortalis vetula

  Northern Bobwhite                     Colinus virginianus

  Pied-billed Grebe                     Podilymbus podiceps

  Neotropic Cormorant                   Phalacrocorax brasilianus

  Double-crested Cormorant              Phalacrocorax auritus

  American White Pelican                Pelecanus erythrorhynchos

  Great Blue Heron                      Ardea herodias

  Great Egret                           Ardea alba

  Snowy Egret                           Egretta thula

  Reddish Egret                         Egretta rufescens

  Cattle Egret                          Bubulcus ibis

  Black Vulture                         Coragyps atratus

  Turkey Vulture                        Cathartes aura

  Osprey                                Pandion haliaetus

  Northern Harrier                      Circus cyaneus

  Sharp-shinned Hawk                    Accipiter striatus

  Cooper's Hawk                         Accipiter cooperii

  Harris's Hawk                         Parabuteo unicinctus

  Red-shouldered Hawk                   Buteo lineatus

  American Coot                         Fulica americana

  Killdeer                              Charadrius vociferus

  Spotted Sandpiper                     Actitis macularius

  Ring-billed Gull                      Larus delawarensis

  Forster's Tern                        Sterna forsteri

  Rock Pigeon                           Columba livia

  Eurasian Collared-Dove                Streptopelia decaocto

  White-winged Dove                     Zenaida asiatica

  Mourning Dove                         Zenaida macroura

  Common Ground-Dove                    Columbina passerina

  White-tipped Dove                     Leptotila verreauxi

  Greater Roadrunner                    Geococcyx californianus

  Ringed Kingfisher                     Megaceryle torquata

  Golden-fronted Woodpecker             Melanerpes aurifrons

  Ladder-backed Woodpecker              Picoides scalaris

  Crested Caracara                      Caracara cheriway

  Eastern Phoebe                        Sayornis phoebe

  Vermilion Flycatcher                  Pyrocephalus rubinus

  Great Kiskadee                        Pitangus sulphuratus

  Loggerhead Shrike                     Lanius ludovicianus

  White-eyed Vireo                      Vireo griseus

  Green Jay                             Cyanocorax yncas

  Black-crested Titmouse                Baeolophus atricristatus

  Verdin                                Auriparus flaviceps

  House Wren                            Troglodytes aedon

  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher                 Polioptila caerulea

  Curve-billed Thrasher                 Toxostoma curvirostre

  Long-billed Thrasher                  Toxostoma longirostre

  Northern Mockingbird                  Mimus polyglottos

  Orange-crowned Warbler                Oreothlypis celata

  Yellow-rumped Warbler                 Setophaga coronata

  Lark Sparrow                          Chondestes grammacus

  Northern Cardinal                     Cardinalis cardinalis

  Pyrrhuloxia                           Cardinalis sinuatus

  Red-winged Blackbird                  Agelaius phoeniceus

  Eastern Meadowlark                    Sturnella magna

  Western Meadowlark                    Sturnella neglecta

  Great-tailed Grackle                  Quiscalus mexicanus

  Brown-headed Cowbird                  Molothrus ater

  Altamira Oriole                       Icterus gularis

  House Sparrow                         Passer domesticus







Mary Beth Stowe

McAllen, TX



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  • » [texbirds] Starr County Highlights - Mary Beth Stowe