[texbirds] Request for owl stories/photos

  • From: Jane F Tillman <jtillman@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 08:14:02 -0600

Hi, I am preparing a general interest owl talk for use by Travis Audubon in
our outreach efforts. The focus will be our expected central Texas owls:
Great Horned, Barred, Eastern Screech, Barn, Short-eared and Burrowing.
People like personal encounter stories about owls, and I would love to
share a few, so if you have one to tell, please let me know.  Maybe one
scraped your head after you imitated it?  Someone died after they heard the
owl call their name?  That is a book by the way -
An owl myth/fairy tale you were told as a kid to keep you in line or that
reinforced owls as evil or wise?
Any owl expressions you use besides *give a hoot *and *wise as an owl*?

I also could use a few more photos of any of the above owls, especially if
they are active rather than perched- drinking at your bird bath, eating
prey, preening, etc. You would be given photo credit on the PowerPoint.

Thanks for your help.
Jane Tillman
P,S, I was just in the Valley at Cactus Creek Ranch and the ranch owner
said her Barn Owl was sitting on 7 eggs right now.

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  • » [texbirds] Request for owl stories/photos - Jane F Tillman