[texbirds] Old Port Isabel Rd, Hwy 48, & South Padre

  • From: MiriamEagl@xxxxxxx
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2014 19:18:42 -0500 (EST)

Hi, all!
Mary Jane and I made an attempt to survey Old Port Isabel Road on the way  
to SPI, but we didn't even get a mile before we had to turn back--that was 
the  worst I've ever seen it!  But we did manage to add a few nice things to 
the  day list, including a pair of White-tailed Hawks and a Cassin's Sparrow.
So up Hwy 48 we went, stopping at the boat ramp, where the best show was  
put on by two pairs of Oystercatchers that were chasing each other and  
yelling!  Both species of night heron were new for my "Hwy 48" list, and we  
enjoyed a couple of spoonbills and the regular assortment of gulls and  
shorebirds, including a mob of Skimmers and a single Lesser Yellowlegs amongst  
the Willets, BB Plovers, and BN Stilts.  One white morph Reddish Egret flew 
 by as well.  A stop at the viewing area on the west side added lots of  
Redheads and White Pelicans.
Once on South Padre we headed straight for the Bay Access, and after having 
 to have my engine mounts replaced because they had gotten corroded from 
the sea  salt, we decided not to venture out there (pockets of water were 
covering the  entire area) and just scoped the shore from just beyond the 
entrance road.   A Sedge Wren calling from the grass near the Convention Centre 
was nice, and was  pleased to add (in addition to the regulars) both 
Semipalmated and Piping  Plovers, Western Sandpipers, and tons of Dunlin to the 
 Another car  came up the drive but stopped at the stop sign, and when I 
turned to look what I  thought was his lady friend leaning in the window was 
actually his dog!!   The thing was huge!!  He told us on the way out that it 
was a  wolfhound/poodle mix...
Over at the Convention Centre the best bird was a female American Redstart, 
 but we also had the regular wintering stuff.  The boardwalk was pretty  
quiet except for lots of Redheads and American Wigeon in the bay (the Marsh  
Wrens were still playing games with MJ--she has yet to actually SEE one), and 
on  the way back a Yellow Warbler chirped from the mangroves, and since 
I've been  waiting for one of those Mangrove Warblers to show up in this stuff, 
my blood  was racing!  The two brief looks we saw showed no chestnut on the 
head,  however, and a quick call to George Colley confirmed that lots of 
"standard"  Yellow Warblers were hanging out there this winter...  Oh, well!
I was pretty shot after that (we DID pick up the requisite Peregrine on the 
 water tower), so since it was close to eleven we decided to call it a day. 
  Wound up with 70 species, which isn't bad for a half day!  Not a whole 
lot  of pictures today, but the recording of the oystercatchers came out 
pretty  good...
Bird List:
  American  Wigeon                        Anas americana
Mottled  Duck                           Anas fulvigula
Northern  Shoveler                      Anas clypeata
Redhead                                Aythya americana
Red-breasted  Merganser                 Mergus serrator
Pied-billed  Grebe                      Podilymbus podiceps
Double-crested  Cormorant               Phalacrocorax auritus
American White  Pelican                 Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Brown  Pelican                          Pelecanus occidentalis
Great Blue  Heron                       Ardea herodias
Great  Egret                            Ardea alba
Snowy  Egret                            Egretta thula
Little Blue  Heron                      Egretta caerulea
Tricolored  Heron                       Egretta tricolor
Reddish  Egret                          Egretta rufescens
Black-crowned  Night-Heron              Nycticorax nycticorax
Yellow-crowned  Night-Heron             Nyctanassa violacea
White  Ibis                             Eudocimus albus
Roseate  Spoonbill                      Platalea ajaja
Osprey                                 Pandion haliaetus
Harris's  Hawk                          Parabuteo unicinctus
White-tailed  Hawk                      Geranoaetus albicaudatus
Red-tailed  Hawk                        Buteo jamaicensis
Clapper  Rail                           Rallus longirostris
Common  Gallinule                       Gallinula galeata
American  Coot                          Fulica americana
Black-necked  Stilt                     Himantopus mexicanus
American  Oystercatcher                 Haematopus palliatus
Black-bellied  Plover                   Pluvialis squatarola
Semipalmated  Plover                    Charadrius semipalmatus
Piping  Plover                          Charadrius melodus
Killdeer                               Charadrius vociferus
Greater  Yellowlegs                     Tringa melanoleuca
Willet                                 Tringa semipalmata
Lesser  Yellowlegs                      Tringa flavipes
Long-billed  Curlew                     Numenius americanus
Ruddy  Turnstone                        Arenaria interpres
Sanderling                             Calidris alba
Dunlin                                 Calidris alpina
Least  Sandpiper                        Calidris minutilla
Western  Sandpiper                      Calidris mauri
Laughing  Gull                          Leucophaeus atricilla
Ring-billed  Gull                       Larus delawarensis
Herring  Gull                           Larus argentatus
Caspian  Tern                           Hydroprogne caspia
Forster's  Tern                         Sterna forsteri
Royal  Tern                             Thalasseus maximus
Black  Skimmer                          Rynchops niger
Belted  Kingfisher                      Megaceryle alcyon
Golden-fronted  Woodpecker              Melanerpes aurifrons
Ladder-backed  Woodpecker               Picoides scalaris
American  Kestrel                       Falco sparverius
Peregrine  Falcon                       Falco peregrinus
Loggerhead  Shrike                      Lanius ludovicianus
Sedge  Wren                             Cistothorus platensis
Marsh  Wren                             Cistothorus palustris
Bewick's  Wren                          Thryomanes bewickii
Ruby-crowned  Kinglet                   Regulus calendula
Northern  Mockingbird                   Mimus polyglottos
European  Starling                      Sturnus vulgaris
Orange-crowned  Warbler                 Oreothlypis celata
Common  Yellowthroat                    Geothlypis trichas
American  Redstart                      Setophaga ruticilla
Yellow  Warbler                         Setophaga petechia
Yellow-rumped  Warbler                  Setophaga coronata
Cassin's  Sparrow                       Peucaea cassinii
Savannah  Sparrow                       Passerculus sandwichensis
Red-winged  Blackbird                   Agelaius phoeniceus
Eastern  Meadowlark                     Sturnella magna
Great-tailed  Grackle                   Quiscalus mexicanus

Mary Beth  Stowe
McAllen, TX
_www.miriameaglemon.com_ (http://www.miriameaglemon.com/) 

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  • » [texbirds] Old Port Isabel Rd, Hwy 48, & South Padre - MiriamEagl