[texbirds] Northeast Park -- Friday 19th

  • From: Elliott Gordon <tengalloncat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 11:28:39 -0500

Following up on Dan's post, I had a fun morning. First, for those who don't
know the area, there is a dike south and west of Walnut Creek that runs
parallel to Pecan Brook and Crystal Brook. There are three short trails
from the open area to the creek, one starting from the end of Crystal
Brook, one further south, and the last close to the white stone wall behind
houses on Crystal Brook.
There were Clay-colored, Lincoln's, and singing White-throated Sparrows by
the first trail. Also, singing Nashville Warblers, a pair of calling Summer
Tanagers, a male Common Yellowthroat, and a female Black-throated Green
Warbler. A Hummingbird wasn't cooperative, and White-eyed Vireos were
elusive. Also, a pair of Scissor-tailed Flycatchers were in the open, and a
family of Red-shouldered Hawks (2 parents, 2 kids) were being harassed by
Northern Mockingbirds and Great-tailed Grackles.

At the second trail, I had two mystery birds (heard a brief call and no
visual but hiding in the low brush) and the highlight of my walk. Let my
preface by saying this is my best ID under the circumstances, and I have no
photos or recordings. There was a woodpecker that "seemed" bigger than a
Downy, with a more angular head, larger white patch on back, and longer
bill (all subjective). I did not note the pattern of the outer tail
feathers, nor did it drum for me. I am comfortable calling it a Hairy
Woodpecker (based on my experience with Downy in CTX, and how much it
differed from those expectations, and Hairy in CO).

I plan to return as migration progresses.

Elliott Gordon
NW Austin

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  • » [texbirds] Northeast Park -- Friday 19th - Elliott Gordon