[texbirds] Marathon-Post Park Birds May 12th

  • From: Dale Ohl <lsdolls@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds Posting Email <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 14:59:02 -0500

This morning yielded a nice variety of birds in and around Marathon
(Brewster Co.), TX.  Starting at a tank about 2 miles or so west of
Marathon on Hwy 90, we found in and around the tank  were American Wigeons,
Blue and Green-winged Teal, Pied-billed Grebe, Great-blue Heron, Spotted
Sandpiper, snipe and some peeps.  Best birds there were 4-5 Phalaropes,
without a scope I am not certain but I believe they were Wilson's.  Nearer
the highway was a very active feeding Clay-colored Sparrow, Painted
Buntings were abundant in all locations.

At the Gage Gardens there was not as much activity as expected, the workers
were setting up chairs for some event but we did find the first of the day
Western Tanager and only Scotts Oriole of the day. A couple blocks south
and west are the sports fields which had standing water where we found
Semi-palmated Sandpipers, Killdeer and more Blue and Green-winged Teal.
On the road into the park and in the park, we found a Phainopepla, Yellow
and Yellow-rumped Warblers, more Western and Summer Tanagers, Bullocks and
Orchard Orioles, emp flycatcher.

More birds were sighted but these were the highlights.

Dale Ohl
Brewster/Van Zandt County

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  • » [texbirds] Marathon-Post Park Birds May 12th - Dale Ohl