[texbirds] Lions Golf Course and Red Bud Isle -- Thursday 28th

  • From: Elliott Gordon <tengalloncat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 16:10:57 -0500

Spent the morning playing golf at Lions Municipal between Enfield Road and
Lake Austin Boulevard. A few highlights were a couple singing White-eyed
Vireos, two Swainson's Hawks heading northwest that I saw because I heard
the twittering of Chimney Swifts overhead. There is an Eastern Phoebe
nest between
the practice green and driving range behind the clubhouse.
Since I was in the area, I stopped by Red Bud Isle Park as Jane Tillman
reported a Northern Parula. On the west side, a Canyon Wren was singing and
a Cave Swallow chirped by the exposed cliff. A flotilla of American Coots
and three Great Egrets were spread out along the shore. Another two
White-eyed Vireos (that didn't sing) and a handsome male Yellow-rumped
Warbler. There was a male Gadwall closer to the dam and two Pied-billed
Grebes in the water on the east side, while I nearly stepped on a Lincoln's

This all brings me up to 102 for the year in my patch (triple digits!).


Elliott M. Gordon
Austin, TX

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  • » [texbirds] Lions Golf Course and Red Bud Isle -- Thursday 28th - Elliott Gordon