[texbirds] Black-billed Cuckoo Stephen F. Austin Park

  • From: Berner Family <jcazberner@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 20:13:05 -0700 (PDT)

First heard it making its whimpering call and then saw well a Black-Billed 
Cuckoo Sunday afternoon at Stephen F. Austin Park on the banks of the Brazos 
near the long line of willows off the Brazos Trail. 
Not sure if this sighting is Texbirds-post worthy but it is 30 miles from any 
previous black-billed cuckoo sighting in ebird in any year. Also have only been 
three inland sightings of Black-billed Cuckoo in Texas in ebird so far in 2013
There was also a blue-winged warbler, a nashville wabler and two warbling 
vireos in the same willows. Three yellow-billed cuckoos were also calling in 
woods nearby. Not sure if bird will hang around but to chase--see below
Here's a link to the stephen f austin trail map (deer walk trail is 
brown)(brazos trail is black)
Park here at Group camping parking lot near rest room
29.821807 -96.112712
Take the steps with the hand rail behind the group camping bathroom walk down 
the 0.2 mile long Deer Walk trail towards river
when you reach a T intersection take left (wooden sign clearly marked--Brazos 
Trail) After taking left on Brazos Trail, take right to river.
You will be between two lines of willows about 150 yards long right on the bank 
of the brazos river.
 Warblers should be flying back and forth between the willows and be easily 
seen. B-B Cuckoo was at the North end.
Willows are at 29.825378 -96.110855
It's a total of 0.3 miles from parking lot. It's a nice birdy spot for an 
inland county
The Berners
John, Cathy, Abby and Zach
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  • » [texbirds] Black-billed Cuckoo Stephen F. Austin Park - Berner Family