[texbirds] Re: Another eBird Rant

  • From: Vicki Crutchfield <vicki_crutchfield@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:13:16 -0700 (PDT)

While I don't mind cleaning up a mess I make, and I can think of a few times 
when no HotSpot existed that rare birds created quite a mess, there is another 
kind of mess.

Moderators "improving" HotSpot names.

Lakeside Park - The Woodlands, Montgomery, US-TX had a marvelous well 
documented list.

Now it has 9 species on one date, because it is changed to Lakeside Park, 
Montgomery Co., Montgomery, US-TX.

Now fine, you want to change the name of the Hotspot, then move all the data 
from the old name to the new name, or make an announcement on e-Bird you have 
changed the HotSpot name, don't just change it.

I realize this may have come from either a Texas Mod or Cornell, but this 
happens with some frequency.

If the naming conventions can't be worked out, then might as well not bother 
with names, just use Loc. id.

Adding the county is redundant, e-Bird does that automatically.

This is in The Woodlands, not Montgomery city, so this is just rediculous. 

So now do I go through and change all my locations names to fit the New HotSpot 

I agree, e-Bird is a wonderful tool, but not if it is not searchable.

Vicki Crutchfield

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  • » [texbirds] Re: Another eBird Rant - Vicki Crutchfield