[TechAssist] Dell 17" LCD Power problem?

  • From: "fremur01@xxxxxxxxx" <fremur01@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: techassist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 16:48:59 -0700 (PDT)

Any techs had experience with Dell flat panels, and
are they made by Sony? A customer recently brought in
a 17" lcd monitor for me to service.

This one powers up with OSD, goes blank after one
second. If a signal's injected with a pc's vga
connection a picture will show up for one second then
go blank, same with vga tester. There is no screen

Is this indicative of some type of driver circuit or
maybe a backlight failure?  I worked on a similar
model in the past that had some leaky p/supply caps.
Any input from  someone with service literature is

Dell 172FBP;  17" Flat Panel

MTS Electronics
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