[tcb] Re: Slight (very slight) change in Classic plans

  • From: ATX BUS <atx_bus@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 11:12:43 -0700 (PDT)


Austin traffic is still a mess but there are a few new toll roads that might 
ease your conjestion coming into and out of town.  I don't know where you are 
coming from but if you are traveling I35 there is a new Mopac extension that 
connects to Round Rock just S of hwy 620.  

Also, there is a small group of us meeting on Friday morn.  Let me know if I 
can help.


----- Original Message ----
From: Gerald V. Livingston II <gerald.tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:22:22 AM
Subject: [tcb] Slight (very slight) change in Classic plans

I probably won't get out of here very early Thursday. Most likely will
sleep somewhere in the middle of the trip and roll in when I wake Friday

This whole "buying the place you work for" stuff is killing me. They
actually expect me to be awake during business hours for phone calls and
signing papers and such. 

I went over to pick something up from the bus a few minutes ago and
realized that all the "work" I've been doing to get the bus ready to tow
actually amounts to not much more than moving a bunch of stuff from one
place to another and then back again in an insomniac stupor. I've not
actually got ANYTHING done.

And I haven't heard from the tire place yet that my new tires are in. No
way I'm driving to F'burg on what's left of the fronts on the truck.

So, I'll probably try to get some sleep today and as much of tonight as
possible then finish packing the bus in the morning and head out in the
early afternoon. Since it's 8 or 9 hours for me putting along at 50 I'll
probably pick a pull out spot and crash again just before I get into the
mess that is Austin -- or I'll roll on in a little closer and go to my
uncle's house in Del Valle (SouthEast Austin).

See y'all Friday.


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