[tcb] I won!!

  • From: mechmark@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: "tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 2 Apr 2009 13:57:38 +0000 (UTC)

Recieved a letter from the property management company for the HOA in my 
neighborhood stateing that the 2 "inoperable" vehicles in the driveway and 2 
"inoperable vehicles in my backyard (behind the house, inside the fence) had to 
be removed within 24 hours. I called the management company and asked them how 
they determinded that they were inoperable from the street. (It's approx. 50 
feet from the street to my driveway) Their answer was that they "assumed" they 
were inoperable because they were covered with tarps. I told them NO, They all 
run, they just leak water when it rains. and that if they want to come over and 
listen to them run, they are more than welcome too.  About 10 minutes later I 
get a call from the HOA president asking if he could come over that evening and 
we could talk about it. I was READY!!! Had a copy of the HOA rules in hand. 
(thanks Em) 

He shows and we talk. actually he was very nice about it and all I had to do 
was move the two covered with tarps to the back yard. As long as they are 
behind the house within my property line there is nothing they can do about it. 
Their fuss is that my back yard is visable from the street because I live on 
the curve and I don't have a "privacy" fence. Too Bad for them. 

Yea, Me. 

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