[tcb] Re: I drove Murray today and solved mysteries! And a forecast.

  • From: Katrina Martin <k.d.martin@xxxxxxx>
  • To: tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2008 14:42:02 -0500

Damn No Zip-Line???
Just a joke. I can't wait to use the new shower & bathroom!


On Jul 1, 2008, at 2:30 PM, Denis Dodson wrote:

I went out to see the guy "pull" Murray today, but, of course the job in front of us is taking longer than expected and he wasn't ready. Since the initial shock of crashing into a tree HARD has subsided, I can rationally look at what happened. I examined him and made repairs. This is the evidence from the scene.

Seconds before I struck the bus killing tree I had put in the clutch for the pop start. The pedal was pushed down to the floor where it was trapped by the bottom edge of the kick panel, since this has never happened before, I couldn't react to it, so now I have no clutch and I am picking up speed. Then I pushed on the brake pedal and one of the pistons in the brake cylinder on the rear passenger side bent and allowed all the brake fluid out, so I have no brakes. Now I am really picking up speed. Murray meet Mr. Tree.

I freed up the clutch pedal, pinched off the brake line to the rear passenger wheel, was surprised to find that he wouldn't start. Talking to Dan on the phone he reminded me that all this had happened because I had drained my battery listening to the radio. Duh.

I threw a quick charge on the battery and he started right up. I drove him off the trailer and around the tiny block and put him in front of a service bay. Then like an idiot, I went home his keys in my pocket. I am off to take his keys to him.

All of this is taking time off of my Psycoblooie preparations. People may just have to do without some stuff. No zip line.

It's 82 with 51% humidity. Very very green from all the rain. There is a small chance for rain on Friday. But it rained last year for a while, and I don' think anybody noticed.

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