[tcb] Home, Dear God, home

  • From: "Denis Dodson" <coocoo@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <tcb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 22:25:19 -0600

I wasn't easy. When we were leaving and stopped to get gas, Andrew saw that a 
tire on the trailer was not just flat, but shredded. We left a big trail of 
smoking rubber to the gas pump. We went across to Wal-freakin'-Mart and bought 
a new tire. ( a story, all it's own ) 

Made terrific time getting from Chuck and Sue's to Andrew's house and then the 
wheels started coming off. When I left Andrew's I went around the block to get 
back to the highway and as I was turning a corner, by the graveyard with all 
the glow-in-the-dark crosses, I heard a loud scraping sound and a bang. I 
called Andrew and jokingly told him that if anybody was missing a fence or a 
mailbox to admit nothing. 

About 30 minutes from my house I felt a lot of bumping and turbulence and I 
knew that it was a trailer tire. But it was on the far side from the one we 
bought. There was simply no freakin' way I was going to stop after a six hour 
drive when I was so close to home. So, it was like my last few miles coming 
home from my TRIP OF A LIFETIME, I just kept going, coming in like a shot up 
B-52. Only one engine and no fuel. WITH ONE FINAL OUNCE OF BLOOD AND COURAGE, I 
pulled up at my house.

Well, the rim took little damage, but the tire is GONE. NOT THERE. IN A 
DIFFERENT PLANE OF EXISTENCE. It has shuffled off to the great tire beyond. It 
is eating dinner with Jesus.

This hobby is hard, just plain hard and expensive. If it wasn't for the people, 
it just would not be worth it at all.

Stand by. Tomorrow we will be announcing the NOT ANNUAL, NEVER AGAIN, MURRAY 

If you weren't there, too bad for you, Baby.

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