• From: "Carol Pearson" <carol.pearson29@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Talks UK" <talks-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 16:00:21 +0100

Hi to all,

I've just joined this list and so thought I'd say "Hello".

I've had a Nokia 6630 for simply ages, which I dearly love, though I haven't updated its version of Talks for a while. However, it's currently locked to Orange and not a recommended phone for unlock ...

Anyway, I had a good offer to purchase a nearly new N95 and decided to take it. I'm getting to grips with it right now. I've just discovered that, sometimes at least, I've managed to mute Talks after the keys have been locked (presumably because Talks keys are not governed by the phone). This does make it a lot better for use when out and about. This morning, first time out, without muting Talks but having the keys locked, I discovered I kept knocking it in my pocket and didn't feel too good about that as it chattered away! <GRRR>

The other small problem I have right now is that I haven't been able to locate the IMEI number. I know, in other phones I've found it readily enough. I also know that, once Talks is registered, I've found it in the Registration window. Well, I see in Version 3 Talks is a little more complex in the Registration area and I'm not sure that I understand it well enough to dare to go hunting, just in case I mess things up right now when there's no sighted help! If anyone can give me some instruction where (and how if needed) I find this IMEI number, which just seems to escape me right now, I'd be most grateful.

So far I certainly like the N95, though Mike and I both agree that the new Nokia cable at the plug end of the charger looks a little too flimsey for our liking. Maybe it will last for a good long time, with careful handling, but that was our first observation when looking at the new charger.

Sorry for such a long post. No doubt I'll have all my questions answered pretty soon and can sit back and watch the list, and maybe even help someone else! <Smiles>

Thanks for reading this far!


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