<T34 Rulez> Fw: Fantastic GAME..... !!! tell me how much time did u last long !!!

  • From: rashi.chandra@xxxxxxx
  • To: t34rox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 15:29:46 +0530

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Rashi Chandra
Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: rashi.chandra@xxxxxxx
Website: http://www.tcs.com
----- Forwarded by Rashi Chandra/DEL/TCS on 02/14/04 03:30 PM -----

Shama 1/DEL/TCS 
02/14/04 10:29 AM


Fw: Fantastic GAME..... !!! tell me how much time did u last long !!!

Tata Consultancy Services
Mailto: shama.1@xxxxxxx
Website: http://www.tcs.com 
----- Forwarded by Shama 1/DEL/TCS on 02/14/04 10:44 AM ----- 
"Surendra_reddy" <Surendra_reddy@xxxxxxxxxxx> 
02/13/04 01:30 PM 



Fantastic GAME..... !!! tell me how much time did u last long !!!

I could do it for 22 seconds as of now ! 
Suri (www.surendra.org) 

-- HTML Attachment decoded to text by Ecartis --
-- File: dodge.htm


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document.getElementById) ? true : false; isNS6 = (!document.all &&
document.getElementById) ? true : false; var curX, curY, curX2, curY2, boxX,
boxY, moving=0, touch=0; var gametime=0, started=0, speed; var starttime,
endtime, finaltime=0; //pass finaltime to popup window to ask for initials
var enemyxdir = new Array(1,1,1,1); var enemyydir = new Array(1,1,1,1); if
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endtime = today.getTime();} function calctime() {var time = (endtime -
starttime - 0)/1000; return time;} function giveposX(divname) { if (isNS4)
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parseInt(document.getElementById(divname).style.width + ""); } return
divsize; } // check to see if 'box' is touching 'enemy1' function
checktouching(num) { var enemy = "enemy" + num + "" var difX =
giveposX('box') - giveposX(enemy) - 0; // -0 converts to integer var difY =
giveposY('box') - giveposY(enemy) - 0; // set touch = 1 if it is touching an
enemy if (difX > (-1 * givesize('box', 'x')) && difX (-1 * givesize('box',
'y')) && difY = (450 - enemyx) || giveposX(enemy) = (450 - enemyy) ||
giveposY(enemy) = 0 && gametime = 100 && gametime = 200 && gametime = 300 &&
gametime = 400 && gametime boxleft && curX2 boxtop && curY2 

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"Successful people are not the ones who cross the first hurdle first,
But are the ones who cross the last hurdle first".

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