[swn] Scheme Weekly News for 2003-03-31

  • From: MJ Ray <mjr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: swn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 00:44:16 +0100 (BST)

Scheme Weekly News for 2003-03-31

        Aside: when all else fails, curse, swear and fall back to the
        version of the publishing system that you know works.
        [Translation: the promised goodies will be later.]

URL: http://mjr.towers.org.uk/swn/

        This is a round-up of news and announcements related to the
        Scheme programming language, mostly taken from newsgroups,
        mailing lists and web sites that I'm aware of.  Feel free to
        send me more.  The aim is to publish in multiple formats on the
        web each week, but more on that very soon.  (Date: 2003-03-31)
        (Compiled by: MJ Ray)

ReadScheme library gains more papers

        A substantial number of new papers on a range of topics were
        added to the site on 30 March.

URL: http://library.readscheme.org/

Gauche 0.6.8

        Gauche is a scheme implementation that aims to be both RnRS
        complete and useful for system development work.  This release
        includes many bug fixes and also improves the regular expression
        engine to almost full POSIX.

URL: http://www.shiro.dreamhost.com/scheme/gauche/


        TeXmacs is a scientific document editor based on guile and
        influenced by TeX and Emacs.  This release starts the move of
        the internal code to the guile module system, continues the move
        of the plugins and introduces some widget improvements.

URL: http://www.texmacs.org/

Chicken 1.0

        Chicken is a Scheme-to-C compiler supporting most of the
        language features as defined in the Revised^5 Report on Scheme.
        This release includes many bugfixes and enhancements over the
        last version 0 release, including SRFI-22 script support.

URL: http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/chicken.html

UriFrame 0.1

        UriFrame is a library for web agents that provides a framework
        for handling URIs.  It is written for PLT Scheme and is not yet
        recommended for production use.  Comments on the API are invited.

URL: http://www.neilvandyke.org/uriframe/

MoshiMoshi 0.7

        This is a WikiWikiWeb implemented in PLT Scheme using the supplied
        web support.  This release adds RecentChanges and improves some
        markup support.

URL: http://schematics.sourceforge.net/

Sxmlcnv 0.0.3

        Sxmlcnv converts SXML into XML.  I think it is currently limited
        to Gauche Scheme, but I could be wrong.

URL: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~kiyoka/sxmlcnv/

snd 6.7

        snd, the sound editor based upon GTK and Guile, has just released
        version 6.7, which includes numerous improvements.

URL: http://ccrma-www.stanford.edu/software/snd/


        The First International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages
        and Technologies, Melbourne, Australia, 15 July 2003, has just
        published its second call for papers.

URL: http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/~jleite/dalt03/

SISC 1.7.7

        SISC is a Java implementation of Scheme with full tail-call
        recursion and continuation support, as well as some speed.
        This bugfix release contains fixes for OS/2, SRFI-1 and SRFI-6,
        data structures of compiled libraries and a rename of the
        buffers library.

URL: http://sisc.sf.net/

SWIG 1.3.18

        The Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator is a tool for
        producing alternative language interfaces to C libraries.
        It includes support for Guile, PLT and Chicken implementations
        of Scheme.  This release improves support for C++ libraries,
        introduces support for C# and Chicken, and includes the usual
        round of bug fixes and improvements.

URL: http://www.swig.org/


        The 12th Advanced Research Working Conference on Correct Hardware
        Design and Verification Methods, 21-24 October 2003, University of
        L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy, has issued its first call for papers.

URL: http://www.di.univaq.it/charme2003

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  • » [swn] Scheme Weekly News for 2003-03-31