[sparkscoffee] Re: The United States: Police State Today, Martial Law Tomorrow; Part II

  • From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx" <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2014 10:52:22 GMT

There is only one "TRUTH".  But it is filtered through the prism of human 
experience, perception and prejudious.  The key is discerning whose opinion 
comes closest to the "truth".    As Winston Churchill observed during the war,  
"The truth is so precious it must be protected with a bodyguard of lies." JS 

---------- Original Message ----------
From: "D.J.J. Ring, Jr." <n1ea@xxxxxxxx>
To: "sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: The United States: Police State Today, Martial Law 
Tomorrow; Part II
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:57:06 -0400

That's not true, there are not multiple versions of the truth, and certainly 
truth isn't defined as what works best for them.
You might have a lot of truthful observations, and truthful statements and from 
those make an attempt at weaving together the truth, but most often some of the 
truth is unknown, sometimes it becomes known known later.  Sometimes with 
somethings it is right in front of our eyes but we don't discern it yet, like 
before Isaac Newton, we didn't get some of the rules of physics like gravity 
and acceleration.
Like the old story of the elephant and the blind men, each seeing only a part, 
they describe the elephant according to what they see, but by taking a 
different viewpoint - impossible for blind men to see it all - you arrive at a 
description that is more of the truth.
If later the elephant drops dead of disease, you can add "sickly elephant" and 
you have even more of the truth.  If you discover that the elephant was related 
to Jumbo the famous elephant, you can add that to the truth and you have more 
of the truth.  There can be multiple truthful descriptions which are all 
truthful but there is only one truth and it is foolish for most to claim that 
you know it fully.
As they say, God alone knows the truth.
In any event getting to the truth is not easy if you want all of the truth.
On Sep 30, 2014 11:46 AM, "Ron Ristad" <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Every person is different and each has their own version of the truth, which 
can be defined as whatever works best for them.

For example, you are never going to convince a member of the Chinese Communist 
Party, most of whom are billionaires, that communism isn't a perfect system, 
particularly if they didn't believe so they would be dead along with rest of 
their family.

Likewise a Jew is never going to criticize Israel because it would hurt them. 
It would be foolish for them to do so. Ask Jesus. Even a goyim in the U.S. is 
made to suffer if they criticize Israel. All the presidential candidates  
(except Ron Paul) pledging their support of Israel on nationwide TV is all the 
proof I need of the power that Israel has over the U.S..

I find truth in the article and I don't have any axe to grind. I am just trying 
to understand what is going on so that I can take the proper actions to 
maintain my own personal state of happiness like everybody else. 

I don't care if Israelis murder Palestinians or if the U.S. spreads terrorism 
only as far as it effects me. I value my freedom, and when it's taken away from 
me I try to find out what's going on so that I can take the proper actions to 
get it back, which in this case means getting
out of Dodge because as the articles explain the subversion of the U.S. 
Government is too deeply rooted and can only end in one way. I hope that I'm 
wrong but I'm taking precautions just in case I'm not.


-----Original Message----- 
From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx" 
Sent: Sep 30, 2014 8:09 AM 
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Re: The United States: Police State Today, Martial Law 
Tomorrow; Part II 

RR I don't know... some truth in the article but also a lot of BS. Hard to mix 
and match the two and come out with a reasoned conclusion. Nielson obviously 
has an ax to grind re Israel which makes for a one sided propaganda piece in my 
opinion. JS

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [sparkscoffee] The United States: Police State Today, Martial Law 
Tomorrow; Part II
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 07:08:29 -0600 (GMT-06:00)

Written by Jeff Nielson Monday, 29 September 2014

Part I of this two-part series detailed the hijacking of the U.S. democracy by 
a small cabal of ultra-wealthy oligarchs (primarily bankers), best described as 
the Old World Order. 


The method for orchestrating this unofficial, bloodless coup was also detailed.

a)  Create a new, quasi-governmental entity (the Federal Reserve) which is 
above the government itself, and thus beyond the reach of any of its laws or 

b) Hand this quasi-governmental entity (exclusive) control over the printing 
press of the U.S., allowing the banker oligarchs who control it to create as 
much currency as they desired &ndash; and transfer every new dollar created to 

c)  With this endless/infinite supply of dirty money (all legal, official 
currency), they buy-off as many political representatives as necessary to 
control the government, in perpetuity.

d) As outlined in The Bankers Manifesto of 1892; in order to hide this 
effective dictatorship, they get their political stooges to stage vehement, 
theatrical squabbles, pretending that the U.S.&rsquo;s only two political 
parties are enemies rather than teammates (serving the bankers). To quote the 
Manifesto: &ldquo;by thus dividing the voters, we can get them to expend their 
energies fighting over questions of no importance to us&hellip;&rdquo;

Part I concluded by briefly describing how these (banking) oligarchs used their 
complete control over the U.S. government to transform this oligarchy into a 
fascist police state, the Fourth Reich. The pretext for this transformation was 
the farcical/imaginary &ldquo;War on Terror&rdquo;, and the vehicle used to 
create this police state was the notorious &ldquo;Patriot Act&rdquo;.

It is beyond the scope of this article to detail all the elements of this 
police state: the countless &ldquo;detention centers&rdquo; spread all over the 
country, the absurdly Orwellian &ldquo;Department of Homeland Security&rdquo;, 
and an infinite array of parallel initiatives. Instead, it can be exposed more 
effectively through unmasking the phony War on Terror (which led to its 
creation), and then focusing on particularly revealing aspects of this police 
state which have emerged during this pseudo-war.

As its name suggests; the explicit goal of this pseudo-war is to &ldquo;fight 
terrorism&rdquo;. Yet (outside the spotlight of the Corporate media) most of 
the actual efforts of the U.S. government have been devoted to creating and/or 
supporting terrorist groups and terrorist regimes.

Even here, there is far too much empirical evidence of state-sponsored 
terrorism (by the U.S.) to engage in any comprehensive discussion. The only 
starting point for such a narrative can begin with the Godfather of Modern 
Terrorism: the state of Israel.

Anyone familiar with history knows that Israel is the original &ldquo;terrorist 
state&rdquo;. Following World War II; the state of Palestine (home of the 
Palestinian people) was a British colony. Through a relentless campaign of 
&ldquo;ethnic cleansing&rdquo; and executions by Jewish terrorists (primarily 
directed against innocent, Palestinian civilians), the British government was 
persuaded to withdraw from Palestine. However, before departing, the British 
carved-out a large chunk of the state of the Palestine, and handed it to the 
terrorists &ndash; which the terrorists called (call) &ldquo;Israel&rdquo;.

The leader of the Jewish terrorists became Israel&rsquo;s first prime minister. 
Far from renouncing its terrorist heritage; the government of Israel (to this 
day) openly boasts about its terrorist past, characterizing its serial 
slaughter of innocents as &ldquo;necessary acts&rdquo; for &ldquo;the greater 
good&rdquo; (i.e. the creation of Israel). Indeed, all that has changed since 
1945 is that this terrorist group is now a terrorist regime.

Its previous &ldquo;acts&rdquo; of terrorism have evolved into an (endless) 
campaign of state-sponsored terrorism: primarily the slow-genocide of the 
Palestinian people. When it wishes to execute Palestinians individually, or in 
small groups, it has an official department of government for such 
crimes-against-humanity: the Mossad, the world&rsquo;s 
most-infamous/most-feared assassins.

When it wishes to execute Palestinians in larger numbers, it turns its army 
loose upon this civilian population. It (perversely) depicts these heinous war 
crimes as &ldquo;anti-terrorism operations&rdquo;, &ldquo;retaliation&rdquo; 
for (supposed) acts of terrorism by the shadowy group known as 
&ldquo;Hamas&rdquo;. Almost exclusively; Hamas engages in &ldquo;rocket 
attacks&rdquo; against Israel: more specifically; it has launched 10&rsquo;s of 
thousands of rockets against Israel (over a span of decades) &ndash; rockets 
which never hurt anyone or even hit any targets...

...Clearly, if there was/is any legitimacy to &ldquo;the War on Terror&rdquo;, 
the first nation which should have been in the cross-hairs of the U.S. 
war-machine is Israel. But (as previously stated) the real agenda of the Fourth 
Reich is not to &ldquo;fight terrorism&rdquo;, but rather to create it, and use 
it as a pretext for its fascist policies/ambitions, following in the footsteps 
of Israel. To illustrate this requires nothing more than pointing to the newest 
Terrorist Boogeymen: &ldquo;ISIS&rdquo;.

To quote recently retired U.S. Lt. General Tom McInerney: &ldquo;We helped to 
build ISIS.&rdquo; But the general is being far too modest. As is detailed in a 
superbly documented video presentation (which includes the general&rsquo;s 
quote), not only did the U.S. &ldquo;build&rdquo; ISIS, by arming and funding 
it, in a step-by-step manner, but this terrorism-building operation is part of 
a standard blueprint for American foreign policy [quoting from the video 

i)          Build up a dictator or extremist group which can be then used to 
wage proxy wars against opponents. During this stage any crimes committed by 
these proxies are swept under the rug. [Problem]

ii)         When these nasty characters have outlived their usefulness, 
that&rsquo;s when it&rsquo;s time to pull out all that dirt from under the rug 
and start publicizing it 24/7. This obviously works best when the public has no 
idea how these bad guys came to power. [Reaction]

iii)       Finally, when the public [is] practically begging for the government 
to do something, a solution is proposed. Usually the solution involves military 
intervention, the loss of certain liberties, or both. [Solution]

Sound eerily familiar? It should. We just saw precisely this strategy being 
played-out in Afghanistan, in a campaign spanning nearly 30 years. When the 
U.S. was building up an extremist group in Afghanistan (as its beloved allies) 
to &ldquo;fight the Soviets&rdquo;; the world knew these extremists by the name 

When the U.S. government wished to move to Stage 2, and demonize these same 
extremists; they were re-branded with the name &ldquo;Al Qaeda&rdquo;. And when 
it wanted to then move to Stage 3 (starting a war and stripping Americans of 
their civil liberties); it lured, or simply hired these (former?) employees to 
be part of the world&rsquo;s most-infamous false-flag event: &ldquo;9/11&rdquo;.

Unequivocally, the War on Terror is nothing more than an imaginary construct of 
the Fourth Reich. Any/all &ldquo;terrorists&rdquo; who actually do exist in the 
world today were either created or sponsored by the U.S. government, or the 
other members of this Axis of Evil (U.S./Israel/UK). However the police state 
which was supposedly justified by this mythical war is all too-real.

The &ldquo;Department of Homeland Security&rdquo; of the Fourth Reich is 
nothing more than the 21st century name for the &ldquo;Gestapo&rdquo; of the 
Third Reich. The only difference between the two agencies is that the DHS is 
much better-armed, and has the advantage of 21st century saturation 
surveillance: the ability (and willingness) to spy on anyone, at any time.

The transformation of the U.S. from free democracy to police state only became 
full-and-complete, however, when the Bush regime passed its infamous 
&ldquo;indefinite detention&rdquo; law in 2011. Given the already-existing 
provisions of the Patriot Act (which blasted huge holes through the U.S. 
Constitution); &ldquo;indefinite detention&rdquo; turned that Constitution into 
nothing more than obsolete confetti.

The &ldquo;legalities&rdquo; here (meaning the total lack of 
legality/legitimacy) are simple:

1)  The U.S. government (or one of its Stooges) points its finger at anyone and 
calls them &ldquo;a terrorist&rdquo;.

2)  Once any individual has had that label affixed to them; they 
immediately/instantly lose not only all of their Constitutional rights, but all 
of their human rights &ndash; they become less than human (in the eyes of the 
Fourth Reich).

3)  The U.S. government is never required to publicly produce evidence to prove 
that someone accused of being &ldquo;a terrorist&rdquo; has done anything to 
merit this Ultimate Sanction.

4) Once the U.S. government demotes someone to a (legal) sub-human by labeling 
him/her &ldquo;a terrorist&rdquo;; not only does the Fourth Reich incarcerate 
and torture these individuals, but the Executive Branch now claims the power to 
murder by decree &ndash; again, without ever publicly providing evidence to 
support those assassinations.

Here it must be understood that if people (i.e. Americans) can be stripped of 
their rights simply by having the label &ldquo;terrorist&rdquo; affixed to them 
(without evidence), then they have no rights. By definition; a 
&ldquo;right&rdquo; is something which can never be taken away.

In the former United States of America, now a police state which we can 
characterize as nothing other than &ldquo;the Fourth Reich&rdquo;; all of the 
rights which the citizens of this nation used to possess are now mere 
privileges &ndash; something which can be taken away from any one of them 
(completely and forever) with one word: &ldquo;terrorist&rdquo;. Always without 

...When will the War on Terror end, given that it is the Fourth Reich itself 
which manufactures most/all of the &ldquo;terrorism&rdquo; and 
&ldquo;terrorists&rdquo;? Never.

However, while the fascist infrastructure and pseudo-laws of this police state 
are designed to last forever, the economy which provides the financial support 
for the Fourth Reich is already rotten-to-the-core. The only thing which has 
delayed a Soviet Union-style economic implosion to this date is financial fraud 
and the manipulation of markets, on a scale beyond the comprehension of any 
reader who has not been closely following these events.

The transformation/militarization of American society into a police state is 
complete. The detention centers are all already built. Complete economic 
collapse is inevitable and imminent. And when that occurs; the first phrase 
which will come out of the mouth of whatever Puppet President is ruling at that 
time is &ldquo;martial law.&rdquo;



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