[sparkscoffee] Re: Last night's Republican Debate

  • From: "schalestock@xxxxxxxx" <schalestock@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 8 Aug 2015 11:05:49 GMT

RR I agree. Especially that Megan Kelly who (despite a pretty face) is a rancid
feminist who hates Trump. She was way out of line with her first question to
him regarding his comment about women being "pigs" etc. His comeback was
brilliant. "Only Rosie O'Donnell!"Perfect. And you could tell it set Kelly back
on her heels. To me, the dream ticket would be Trump and Fiorina. She is one
smart woman who could eviscerate Hillary without raising a sweat. JS

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Ron Ristad <ristad@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: sparkscoffee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [sparkscoffee] Last night's Republican Debate
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 13:25:47 -0600 (GMT-06:00)

Interesting debate. Donald Trump, who in the past I have always found obnoxious
I now find I am liking more and more. He was clearly one of the smartest people
in the room last night. Prior to the debate the Las Vegas odds on Trump were
only 18:1, despite his popularity. I don't know what they are today but, at
least for my part, the neocons at Fox News who were trying to destroy him
actually increased his popularity among non-neocons and non-Republicans. They
cannot control Trump like they can all the other political hacks which is why
they are so afraid of him. By refusing to pledge his support to any other
Republican candidate if he is not nominated, Trump is in effect blackmailing
the Republican Party because they know that if he were to run as an Independent
he would split the conservative vote virtually guaranteeing that Hillary would
win, like Ross Perot did back in 1992..

The Republican Debate on FOX News
by Martin Armstrong

The debate everyone has been waiting for revealed the bias of the moderators
and their secret agenda against Trump. The second most interesting exchange was
between Christie and Paul. The so-called debate began with the leading question
of asking candidates if they would pledge not to go a third party, which was
clearly targeting Trump. When he raised his hand to say that he would not
pledge that outcome, the moderators attacked, showing how biased they are. They
even questioned how he could be on stage with the Republicans if he would not
pledge to support the RNC&rsquo;s choice. That question was blatantly designed
to hurt Trump, as they claim a third party run would help Hillary, which is
speculation in itself. They just exposed their own ignorance for they are too
immersed in the mainstream press who want to keep everything as is. Trump is in
the lead for being anti-establishment.

The only other notable exchange was between Christie and Rand Paul. Christie, a
former prosecutor, justified tearing up the Bill of Rights because the NSA has
to collect every phone call, to which Paul rebutted that probable of cause was
required. To me, Christie revealed that he would be no different from Obama or
Bush, as he would fully support gathering everything on everyone precisely as
portrayed in &ldquo;1984&rdquo;.

Despite their attempts to politically assassinate Trump, the moderators failed
to understand why he is so far ahead in the polls. If Trump were the Republican
candidate, he would beat Hillary based upon polling right now. Nevertheless,
the moderators will clearly not support Trump and have demanded that he pledge
his support to a rigged election for the RNC candidate.
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